  • 期刊


The Preliminary Survey and Assessment of Hospital Pharmacy Compounding Medications in Taiwan




藥局調製 調製


According to the survey by Taiwan Society of Health-system Pharmacists (TSHP) on the status of hospital pharmacy compounding, there were more than one hundred items of compounded medications prepared by hospital pharmacies. Since the end of 19th century, the pharmaceutical industries were well developed in the world. The majority of medications are produced by pharmaceutical companies according to the Good Manufacturing Practice nowadays. Although pharmacists are authorized to practice compounding, it should be limited to non-commercially available products which could not be found in the market to meet the medical needs of the patients. The appropriateness of the top 35 items of formulations from this survey was further evaluated by the clinical and pharmaceutical experts. We found that among these items, some are clinically indispensable but not commercially available, so pharmacists have to prepare the medication by themselves. However, others were found that could be substituted by commercial products. Through this paper we would like to share how to do the assessments of these compounding product items. It allows us to re-evaluate the current compounded medications, and also to provide hospital pharmacists approaches to handle the requests of compounding from physicians.


pharmacy compounding compounding


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