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Analysis of Multiple Suicide Risk Factors of Psychiatric Inpatients by Severity Using the SAD PERSONS and Modifi ed SAD PERSONS Scale in Taiwan

使用SAD PERSONS及Modified SAD PERSONS量表分析自殺嚴重性的相關因子


目的:自殺在台灣是個重大公共衛生議題,因此,我們需要分析從Modified SAD PERSONS以及SAD PERSONS量表篩選的十三個評估項目與本土自殺資料的關聯性。方法:此回朔性研究收案210個住院病人,以病歷回顧的方式,將病人分為三組:非自殺組、自殺意念組以及自殺企圖組,分配給精神科專科醫師進行十三個項目的的評分後,以卡方分析檢驗三組不同自殺嚴重度的個案在一般人口學、此十三個自殺風險項目的差異性,再進一步以邏輯式回歸方法檢驗自殺與這些風險項目的相關性。結果:年齡(p<0.01)、憂鬱症狀(p<0.001)、自殺史(p<0.001)、思考障礙(p<0.001)、自殺計畫(p<0.001)、自己陳述未來自殺企圖(p<0.001)與目前生活壓力(p<0.001)等項目在三組個案間達到顯著地差異性,而更進一步可發現這些項目與自殺嚴重度呈現正相關性。結論:除了年齡以及思考障礙兩個項目以外,其他項目在本土資料的發現與國外文獻的發現相似。


Background: Suicide risk evaluation is a public health priority in Taiwan. In this preliminary study, we intended to do a correlation study between 13 individual items derived from the Modified SAD PERSONS scale and the SAD PERSONS scale relative to suicide among ethnic Chinese subjects. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 210 inpatient medical records and classified patients' suicidal severity into three groups: (A) non-suicide group, (B) suicidal ideation group, and (C) attempted suicide group for analysis. Results: Seven items-age (p<0.01), depression (p<0.001), previous attempt (p<0.001), rational thought loss (p<0.001), organized plan (p<0.001), stated future intent (p<0.001), and current life stressor (p<0.001) were significant, indicating that these seven risk factors are distinctly important among these groups. Further group-to-group relationships showed that the "the proportion of the suicidal ideation group or attempted suicide group was always significantly greater than that of the non-suicide group" in most factors, except those correlated to "age" and "rational thought loss" factors. Conclusion: Five factors-depression (p<0.05), previous attempt (p<0.01), organized plan (p<0.01), stated future intent (p<0.01), and current life stressor (p<0.01) were significantly to be strongly associated with suicide in our study. Among the factors, "organized plan" and "previous attempt" were strongest significant predictors.
