  • 期刊


Mapping of drought tolerance related QTL DT12-L at seedling stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.)


本研究利用秈稻旱育15與巨胚稉稻CNY922301為親本材料,以其雜交後代F_2、F_3進行水稻幼苗期耐旱相關基因座之圖譜定位,透過木村氏水耕液中添加28%PEG-6000溶液進行缺水逆境處理,結果F_2子代其耐旱型與敏感型之發生比率符合9:7,推測控制旱育15之耐早性基因係由兩對顯性互補基因所調控。進一步進行耐旱基因圖譜初定位,結果發現耐旱基因分別與第十二條染色體長臂與短臂上之兩分子標幟RM277(62.2-64.4 cM)與RM6693(91.9-94.6 cM)呈現緊密連鎖現象,耐旱基因分別標記為DT12-S與DT12-L。經精細定位結果顯示耐早基因DT12-L可能座落於分子標幟RI12007到CH1207間區間大小約365kb。而以SSD法繁殖之F_3子代為材料進行印證,結果亦顯示主要的耐旱基因可能座落於分子標幟RM6693與E60843位置附近。由圖譜定位結果顯示控制耐旱性之DT12-L基因應位於第十二染色體上,並與RM6693、RM235、Rl2007、CH1207與E60843等5個標幟呈緊密連鎖關係,未來將進一步擴大圖譜定位分析族群,藉以選殖DT12-L基因,而所發現5個與DT12-L呈現緊密連鎖關係之分子標幟,其將可供耐旱分子標幟輔助選拔之前景選拔利用,對於提升國內外耐旱水稻新品種的育成效率將有重大效益。


We used the high-density polymorphic markers for rice drought-tolerance genes mapping in the seedling stage. The F_2 and F_3 mapping population crossed by rice varieties Hang-Yui 15 and CNY922301 was made, then we treated these materials by using 28% PEG-6000 solution in rice seedling stage for drought simulation. The result of F_2 after drought treatment was 9 (drought tolerant) : 7 (drought sensitive), indicated the drought tolerance of Hang-Yui 15 may controlled by two dominant complementary genes. To find the drought genes controlled in rice seedling stage, we made coarse mapping of F_2 mapping population, and found two genes linked by markers RM277 (62.2-64.4 cM), and RM6693 (91.9-94.6 cM) on chromosome 12, named with DT12-S and DTl2-L, respectively. After fine mapping of F_2 and F_3 population, we found the drought tolerant gene DT12-L may linked within two markers RI12007 and CH1207, showing a region in 365 kb. We also use F_3 population made by SSD method for map genes confirmation, and it showed the drought tolerant gene may linked nearby RM6693 and E60843 The result of mapping showed drought tolerant gene was on chromosome 12, and linked by five markers, RM6693, RM235, RI2007, CH1207, and E60843. We will expand mapping population for DT12-L gene cloning, and these five drought tolerant linked markers can be used for foreground selection of molecular marker-assisted selection, hope to speed up the breeding of new drought tolerance varieties in Taiwan.
