  • 期刊


A Successful Australian Case as Inspiration for a Strategy of Coach Education in Taiwan


外籍運動教練招募已是全球普遍性的運動現象。外籍運動教練進入陌生文化職場,如何持續發揮教練 專業與跨文化溝通能力,對教練與招募組織來說,均是實務課題。本研究目的在透過澳洲成功個案,提供臺灣運動教練培育制度參考。為瞭解外籍運動教練實際運作內涵,研究方法採立意取向選取澳洲國家跳水體育運動組織,參與者包括3名外籍運動教練、2名行政人員與3名運動選手。採田野觀察、半結構式訪談、相關文獻蒐集等方法。所得結果包括「澳洲跳水運動歷史與外籍運動教練招募策略」、「外籍運動教練招募組織內涵特性」與「外籍運動教練策略之成果績效」等三大面向。澳洲為有效提升跳水成績,招募優質外籍運動教練引進技術、並注重其語言文化適應,獲得良好績效(2000 ~ 2016年奧林匹克運動會獎牌共計12面)。研究結論為:本個案調查展露澳洲外籍運動教練政策的策略與內涵,包括「注重外籍運動教練長期專業發展能力」、「注重外籍運動教練當地語言運用能力」與「注重外籍運動教練文化調適能力」等三項特性。期待本個案對國內教練政策/教練培育有所啟示,並能開啟臺灣教練學的社會人文研究路線。


The recruitment of foreign coaches is a globalized phenomenon. One practical concern for sporting organizations and their foreign coaches and is how the coaches ca n combine their effective and efficient techniques with appropriate cross-cultural communication in their new working environment. The purpose of this study was to examine a successful Australian case as a reference providing a strategy for coach education in Taiwan. An Australian diving organization was carefully selected to illustrate foreign coaches' work. Three Chinese coaches, two administrators, and three athletes were invited as participants, then field observation, semi-structured interviews and relevant document collection were carried out. Results included a discussion of the Australian diving history/sports talent recruitment strategy, the organizational characteristic of the case, and an outcome evaluation for foreign coaches' recruitment. To enhance local athletes' skills and performance, Australia recruited high quality foreign coaches with an emphasis on coaches' language skills and cultural adaptability. The strategy resulted in great sporting performance (total 12 Olympic medals won from 2000-2016). This investigation reveals the substance and strategy of Australian foreign coaches' recruitment policy, including a supportive working environment for coaches' professional development, the demand for coaches' English ability, and cross-cultural communication skills. This case may inspire relevant policy, education, and socio-cultural oriented coaching research in Taiwan.


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