  • 期刊


Screening for Hazardous Drinkers among Patients in a Emergency Department


目的:了解急診病患危險性飲酒之盛行率、有無危險性飲酒的急診病患在基本屬性、疾病屬性和使用醫療的差異、以及急診危險性飲酒病患的危險因子。 方法:以橫斷式研究設計,採方便選樣,於北區某家區域醫院的急診室,使用結構式問卷調查方式進行資料收集,共收得1000人次。 結果:目前有飲酒習慣的人(Alcohol Disorders Identification Test, AUDIT≥1)有388位(38.8%),危險性飲酒的人(AUDIT≥8)有186位(18.6%),佔所有飲酒人口的48%;利用Multiple logistic regression迴歸模式強迫進入法選出曾經酒後受傷、男性、年齡輕、教育程度低、自購居住場所和有飲酒習慣等因子為預測危險性飲酒之危險因子。 結論:根據本研究結果建議急診從業醫療人員應以預防醫學為考量,對於病患飲酒行為有高度的敏感性,當遇到有這些危險因子的病患時,能積極篩檢飲酒問題,並適當的衛教病患如何減少飲酒,防範病人未來可能發生的健康、家庭和社會的傷害。


急診 AUDIT 危險性飲酒


Purpose: To explore the prevalence rate of hazardous drinking among Emergency Department (ED) patients, the differences in demography, clinical features, medical treatment utilization between ED patients with and without hazardous drinking and the risk factors associated with ED patients with hazardous drinking. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional design was adopted using convenience sampling technique. Patients who visited the ED of a regional hospital were recruited and asked to complete a structural questionnaire in northern Taiwan. A total of 1,000 suitable patients participated in this study. Results: Based on the categorizations derived from Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), there were 388 subjects (38.8%) with alcohol drinking habit (AUDIT≥1), and 186 subjects (18.6%) with hazardous drinking (AUDIT≥8). The latter accounted for 48% of the total number of alcohol drinking subjects. Among them, there were 58 persons (5.8%) having alcohol-dependency. Finally, a multiple logistic regression was conducted to determine factors that could predict the risk for hazardous drinking among those subjects. The factors were male, young aged, low education level, self purchased dwelling location, and having alcohol drinking habit. Conclusion: The results suggested that health care workers should consider more preventive measures and be highly sensitive to patients' alcohol drinking behavior. Active screenings for alcohol drinking problems and appropriate health education about how to reduce alcohol drinking need to be provided. These may prevent patients from potential harms to their health, family and society in the future.


