  • 期刊


Effects of Dynamic Stretching Combined With Kinesio Taping on Performance of Baseball Players




熱身 平衡 衝刺 敏捷


This study aimed to investigate the acute effect of dynamic stretching (DS) with Kinesio taping (KT) on sprint, agility and balance in baseball athletes. Thirty healthy amateur baseball players were participated in the experiment. This study was a pretest-posttest control group design. Participants were matched and randomly assigned into KT group or control group (sham taping). A fitness trainer instructed the participants to perform DS sequentially. Three sets of stretching per muscle group were performed (14 times for each muscle of both legs) with a 1-minute recovery between sets over a distance of 20 m. Stretching muscles included anterior, posterior and medial thighs as well as calves. All subjects performed Y balance, 20-m sprint and 5-10-5 agility tests before and after the DS instruction. The results showed that there was no significant interaction effect between the groups and time in three tests. Both groups after receiving DS had significantly greater performance on Y balance test compared with baseline. Nevertheless, no significant difference on Y balance test was observed between the KT and control groups. Furthermore, no significant group and time main effects were noticed on 20-m sprint and 5-10- 5 agility tests. In conclusion, this study suggests that KT incorporated with DS cannot provide a synergistic effect on exercise performance of healthy baseball players. However, performing DS may improve the dynamic balance in the lower limb.


warm-up balance sprint agility


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