  • 期刊


A Simulation and Empirical Study on Incorporating Background Variables in Population Parameters Estimation




In the large-scale assessment programs such as NAEP, TIMSS and PISA use plausible value (PV) method to estimate the population statistics and to explore the effects upon the achievement of the different background variables such as gender. In the plausible value method, the background variables of examinees are incorporated into the latent regression model to estimate the posterior distributions of the abilities. Plausible values that provided for secondary analysts are random draws from the posterior distributions. In this paper, the performances on estimating population statistics between plausible value method and traditional IRT ability estimations (ex. MLE or EAP) are evaluated. The influences of the different correlation degrees between background variables and abilities and different regression models on estimating population statistics are also explored.The results show that the mean of population ability is estimated well whether MLE, EAP or PV is used. The PV has the best performance on recovering the variance of population ability. Two models, principle component analysis are applied to compress most of the background variables and raw background variables forms, have the same performances on recovery of population statistics. If there is an interest in estimating for specific sub-groups (ex. Gender), the incorporation of the related background variables get better recoveries on the statistics of these sub-groups. The higher correlation between background variables and abilities can lead to increased precision of population statistics.


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