  • 期刊

臺灣穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)10年期間(1995-2004)死亡的病例死因回溯調查

Retrospective Investigation of The Death of Rescued Formosan Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) during 1995 and 2004


穿山甲的圈養存活率極低,死亡原因的研究至今闕如。全球的穿山甲皆已列入華盛頓公約附錄二,屬瀕危且受保護的動物。臺灣穿山甲為中國穿山甲的亞種,在臺灣名列珍貴稀有保育類野生動物。本研究針對1995-2004年間,臺北動物園死亡的67隻臺灣穿山甲進行回溯性研究。發現公母性別比例接近2:1。圈飼下公穿山甲最高體重可達9.47公斤,母穿山甲最高可達5.65公斤,遠高於以往的記錄。67隻死亡個體,有62個有病理病變紀錄的資料中,肺臟病變有72.5%,消化道病變有67.7%,肝臟病變有54.8%,其他如心臟病變40.3%,腎臟病變的病例數30.6%,生殖道病變1.6%,異物阻塞3.2%則較少。同時出現肺臟及消化道病變佔51.6%。各種病變中,僅心臟病變在性別比達19:6,與總樣本群性別比接近2:1 有差異。肺臟病變個體死亡時間分布於全年度,與季節變化無關。依據以上的病理結果,可針對穿山甲常發生的疾病給與適當的醫療照顧及飼養管理,以提高穿山甲的存活率與保育研究的成效。


Survival rate of captive pangolin are generally low. Till date, study on the cause of deaths of captive pangolin is scarce, if not unavailable. All pangolin species are listed in Conservation on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES II) as rare and protected wild animals. Formosan pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) is a subspecies of Chinese pangolin, listed as an endangered species by Wildlife Conservative Law in Taiwan. Necropsy reports for 67 Formosan pangolin cases between 1995 and 2004 in Taipei zoo were reviewed retrospectively. The sexual ratio of the cases between males and females was 2:1. The highest recorded body weight of male is 9.47 kg and female is 5.65 kg. Of the 62 cases with complete records, most commonly observed lesions were found on the lungs (72.5%), followed the alimentary tracts (67.7%), and the liver (54.8%). Gross lesions found less frequently were of the heart (40.3%), kidneys (30.6%), and genitalia (1.6%). Also, foreign body obstructions were observed in 3.2% of the cases. In 51.6% of the cases, lesions were found in both the lungs and alimentary tracts. These findings present new information that will be input for the medical procedure and captive husbandry, future research should be considered to enhance the survival rate of rescued pangolin.


Formosan pangolin necropsy lung alimentary tract


呂亞紋(2014)。臺東鸞山地區臺灣穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) 腸道寄生蟲相調查〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2014.00024
K.C., R. (2016). 臺灣東南部野生臺灣穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) 之健康監測與疾病監控 [doctoral dissertation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0042-1805201714173898
