  • 期刊


The Linkage between Gender Diversity on Corporate Board/Top Management and Corporate Social Responsibility


本文利用2009 至2013 年間臺灣上市一般產業公司的資料,檢驗公司董事會/高階管理階層的女性參與情形與企業社會責任投入程度多寡的關聯。既有研究指出公司高層過去多為單一性別(男性)所主導,增進公司高層的性別多樣(主要是女性)可以利用女性所擁有的特定特質,例如更願意傾聽不同利害關係人的聲音,來增進公司在利害關係人權益上的注重程度;更詳細地說,女性有一些特質如相對較深情的、仁慈和藹的、樂於助人、具同情心的、人際敏感的、樂於養育並關心他人的福利等特質以使得公司可以更關心其利害關係人的利益,因此公司董事會或高階管理階層的性別多樣性將促使公司的管理決策更關注於利害關係人的利益,使公司投入較多在社會責任。本文的性別多樣以公司董事會成員中是否出現女性、女性人數、女性的比率與公司執行長是否為女性作為代理變數,社會責任的量化指標則以天下雜誌、遠見雜誌以及本研究自行設計的問卷填答結果作為代理變數。本文的實證結果顯示,公司董事會的性別多樣與公司在社會責任上的投入並無顯著甚至少數顯著負向的統計關係,但那些執行長為女性的公司其社會責任的表現則顯著相對較佳,表示在影響公司社會責任的投入上,性別多樣在扮演監督與諮詢的董事會中的影響力被稀釋而並不顯著,但在掌握公司實際營運且權力較大的執行長上則可顯著發揮。本文的實證結果有助於公司聘任公司管理階層時,將女性特質納入考慮,一方面對於公司治理機制的建立與促進有所幫助,對於公司利害關係人的利益以及社會氛圍的和諧亦有某種程度的促進作用。


Based on data of listed companies of Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) through 2009~2013, this paper examines the linkage between gender diversity on corporate board/top management and firm's engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). While existing literature has indicated that board diversity has benefits as well as costs on company's economic consequences, the relationship between board gender diversity and corporate's engaging in CSR is less discussed. While board gender diversity theoretically has higher tendency of engaging CSR, this paper proposes that the degree of board diversity and CSR engagement is positive correlated. To measure CSR, this paper employs two kinds of method, namely, dummy variable approach and questionnaire approach (e.g. setting six dimensions-corporate governance, environment protection, human rights, employees and suppliers, community participation and aggregate score). Dummy variable approach employs the annual name-list of the Global Views Monthly's "CSR-Award" and the Common Wealth's "Corporate Citizens" to construct a dichotomous indicator as proxy for CSR engagement. To measure gender diversity of board and top management (CEO), this paper constructs binary, continued, and ratio measures of board of director and top management. The empirical result generally shows that gender diversity has little and weak evidence on relationship between board gender diversity and CSR, yet there is significantly positive linkage between CEO gender diversity and CSR. Thus, the conclusion is conditional, the view that higher CEO gender diversity is correlated with greater degree of CSR engagement.


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