  • 期刊


New Zealand's Role in the Development of the Pacific Islands Community



本文主要探討紐西蘭與其太平洋地區鄰近島國的關係建構的發展與本質。紐西蘭與南太平洋島國的密切關係不僅展現於紐西蘭人口組成裡由南太平洋島國所佔的比例,更重要的發展起自於1990年代後期斐濟政權的不穩定後所發生一連串太平洋島國的政治危機。爲了將太平洋區域整合爲一共同體,以南太平洋地區的共同利益努力,「南太平洋論壇」於2000年更名爲「太平洋島國論壇」,自2003年起開始發展的「太平洋計畫」等一系列朝著邁向太平洋區域經濟體、政治共同利益團體的計畫。紐西蘭總理Helen Clark更在其中扮演了重要的角色。本文主張,在斐濟政變、澳洲介入所羅門群島政治、甚至在911之後,紐西蘭積極發展南太平洋區域共同體計畫,這些計畫制訂了更嚴格的管制政策,以確保太平洋地區成爲不會提供進入紐西蘭國際恐怖行動的管道,也保護了紐西蘭與其澳洲共同在南太平洋地區經濟發展的主導地位。


This paper discusses the relationship between New Zealand and the Pacific Islands countries. The close relationship between New Zealand and her pacific partners is found not only in the high population proportion of Islanders in New Zealand. A series of political crisis occurred in the Pacific Islands after the late 1990s has contributed to closer development. In order to integrate the Pacific regime for their mutual and communal interest, ”the South Pacific Forum” was changed into ”the Pacific Islands Forum” in 2000, and ”the Pacific Plan” was initiated in 2003. New Zealand's Prime Minister, Helen Clark, has played an important role in these developments. This paper argues that New Zealand's efforts to these developments in recent years, is to ensure terrorism away from the Pacific Regime, and to ensure New Zealand's and Australia's leading roles in the Pacific Region's economic development.


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Australia-New Zealand Colonial Agenda Dominates Pacific Islands Forum
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A Statement Before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment House Committee on Foreign Affairs


