  • 期刊


The Test-retest Agreement and Minimal Detectable Change for the Chu's Hand Dexterity Test in Schizophrenia


研究目的:本研究的目的在驗證褚氏手部靈巧度測驗之再測一致性及最小可偵測之變化值。研究方法:研究者徵召147名精神分裂症(schizophrenia)個案,接受一位受過特別訓練之治療師以褚氏手部靈巧度測驗進行測量,前後二次,間隔一週。研究者利用組內相關係數(intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC)驗證褚氏手部靈巧度測驗各項結果之再測一致性,同時計算測量標準誤(standard error of measurement, SEM)及最小可偵測之變化值(minimal detectable change, MDC)。研究結果:褚氏手部靈巧度測驗之右手操作計分ICC=0.76,顯示兩次測量結果之一致性程度可被接受;左手操作計分、雙手操作計分及總分之ICC值介於0.81~0.87,顯示兩次測量結果之一致性良好。褚氏手部靈巧度測驗左手操作、右手操作、雙手操作及總分之MDC為12.4、13.8、16.3 及31.4。結論:本研究結果證實褚氏手部靈巧度測驗具有中等至良好之再測一致性和可被接受的測量誤差,褚氏手部靈巧度測驗之MDC數值可協助臨床治療師和研究人員判斷精神分裂症個案之手部操作功能之變化量是否超過測量誤差而為真實之改變。


Objective: To determine the test-retest agreement and the minimal detectable change (MDC) of the Chu's Hand Dexterity test in patients with schizophrenia. Method: The test was administered on 147 schizophrenic patients by an experienced rater twice, 7 days apart. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine the agreement between the two successive tests. Furthermore, the MDC was calculated on the basis of standard error of measurement (SEM). Results: The test rest agreements were from moderate to good (ICC=0.76~0.87) for the 3 subtests and total score. The MDCs were acceptable, ranging from 12.4 to 31.4 for the 3 subtests and total score. Conclusion: The study reveals that the test-retest agreements of the Chu's Hand Dexterity test were from moderate to good. The MDCs of the 3 subtests and total score of the Chu's Hand Dexterity test are useful for both clinicians and researchers to determine whether the change score of an individual is real (beyond measurement error). (Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Research and Practice
