  • 期刊


A Systematic Review of the Effects of Mirror Therapy in Patients with Stroke


目的:鏡像治療應用於中風復健領域的隨機臨床試驗逐年漸增,但目前仍缺乏系統性回顧來整合相關研究證據與療效程度。本文透過系統性回顧,整合鏡像治療之隨機控制試驗,以分析該治療方式於中風復健之成效。方法:檢索PubMed、Medline及Scopus等電子資料庫中1950年1月至2012年3月發表之論文,並搜尋其他回顧及相關論文之參考文獻,納入以中風個案為目標族群、鏡像治療為治療介入,且至少有一項上肢動作或日常生活功能為量測結果之隨機控制臨床試驗之文獻,並計算其效果值。結果:共收錄9篇論文,結果顯示鏡像治療多為傳統治療的附加治療,而治療介入多以「盡可能移動患肢」的雙側動作為主。依皮卓量表(PEDro scale)評估有8篇高品質研究,但詳細治療計畫與副作用極少提及。綜言之,本回顧發現鏡像治療對急性或亞急性中重度個案之動作損傷程度與動作功能具相近成效,達中度到高度的效果;但此治療對感覺功能與下肢動作功能的療效證據仍不足。結論:鏡像治療為中風個案有效的復健方案之一,可適用於不同特質的病患,如:急性或亞急性之中重度個案,促進其感覺、動作與日常生活功能之改善。建議未來研究可透過更嚴謹的實驗設計與更大的臨床試驗來釐清鏡像治療的療效,或結合鏡像治療與其他復健手法,並探討不同特質個案的適用性與動作控制之成效,及其可能影響成效的因素,以作為臨床應用與實證研究之參考,且發展更具實證基礎之復健介入方案。


Objective: Randomized controlled trials investigating the effects of mirror therapy (MT) in stroke patients have accumulated in recent years. However, systematic reviews that synthesize and integrate the effects of MT relative to control treatments remain limited. This systematic review was to synthesize studies that examined the effects of MT after stroke. Methods: Articles published between January 1950 and March 2012 were retrieved from electronic databases and manual search. Relevant references were also reviewed. To be eligible for inclusion, the study should involve a randomized controlled trial that studied the effects of MT compared to control interventions in stroke patients on upper limb motor function or activities of daily living. The effect size estimates were calculated for each outcome measure of the included studies. Results: Nine reports were eligible for inclusion. The results showed that most of the included studies used MT in addition to conventional therapy. The treatment protocols of MT focused on bilateral arm training with ”moving the affected limb as could as possible”. The review found that MT led to better improvements in motor impairment and motor function than control interventions, with moderate-to-large effect sizes. However, there was no conclusive evidence on the outcomes of sensory function, and lower limb function. Conclusion: This review supported the effects of MT on motor impairment and motor function in patients with acute and subacute. Future research is needed to study the effects of MT on functional and kinematic outcomes, the factors affecting MT outcomes, and underlying mechanisms of MT in larger samples.


Mirror therapy Stroke Hemiplegia Upper limb Rehabilitation


