  • 期刊


Close to Parents or Parents-in-Law? Comparing the Relationship of Adult Children to their Aging Parents and In-Laws in Taiwan


父母與已婚子女的關係,如居住安排、往來頻率、經濟支持等乃是家庭社會學的重要議題。但過去的研究鮮少將配偶父母納入考量範疇。西方文獻也指出已婚子女和雙方家長關係上的偏女方特徵,使丈夫易被拉近妻子的親屬連幣。本文擺在臺灣傳統父系的文化規範下與西方對話,探討已婚子女與雙方父母在同住、見面、打電話頻率等面向,如何因著雙方父母的健在情形、勞務協助,以及妻子社會經濟地位的提升而影響,本研究使用中央研究院華人家庭動態資料(PSFD),結果顯示:一、當今社會中從父居的現象仍然普遍。儘管女性教育程度的相對地位提高將增加子女和女方父母同住的機率,然而國內目前和女方父母同住的比例仍相當的低,不到5%。二、父母親健在與否乃是維繫傳統文化規範與影響代間關係的重要因素。研究顯示,母親對於子女的影響力甚於父親。三、比較已婚子女和雙方家長的聯絡頻率顯示,妻子在教育或收入的相對地位提高,確有助於拉近子女和女方父母的聯絡往來,然而影響效果十分有限。此說明傳統性別角色對於夫妻權力的影響似乎勝於相對地位(Tichenor 1999 ),傳統父系文化規範的影響力仍在(伊慶春、章英萃2008)。四、已婚子女與雙方父母親的代間關係上也出現交換、報償性的特徵,子女將與有提供勞務協助的父母維持較近的關係。


Previous research on Western society has found that women give priority to fulfill the needs of their own parents, whereas men take obligations from both parents and in-laws. This study aims to compare the relationships between adult children with their parents and in-laws in Taiwanese society by using marital power as an explanation. I use the samples of married respondents from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics. The main findings are: first, for the respondents whose wife has a higher educational level than her husband, they are more likely to co-reside with wife's parents. However, the percentage of adult children who live with wife's parents is less than 5%, which is very low. Second, whether parents are alive or not determines the strength of patriarchal norms within a family, whereas mothers are more influential than fathers. Third, for the respondents whose wife has higher education or income than her husband, they are more likely to be in contact more frequently with wife's parents. However, these findings are not strong enough, which means that the balance of marital power is more closely related to gender than to education or income status (Tichenor 1999). Thus, the impact of patriarchal norms is still crucial in recent Taiwanese society (Yi and Chang 2008). Four, the study has found a reciprocal relationship between adult children and parents. Children tend to be in contact more frequently with parents as long as those parents had provided housework support toward the children.


