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A Probe on the Achievements and Effects of Bilateral Education Between Taiwan and Vietnam From 2015-2017




In recent years, Taiwan's tertiary institutions because of low birth rate trend in Taiwan have been faced with the problem of insufficient enrollment, thus we can forecast, probe and analyze the relevant issues of academic exchange and enrollment in Taiwan. The preliminary literature explores from the Taiwan -Vietnam's Education Exhibition, the Ministry of Education Statistics and other information to carry out the analysis, based on the statistical data to explore the Taiwan and Vietnam universities, which schools on the Southeast Asian countries can help recruit students. According to the information collected, even two Taiwan's top schools have gone to Southeast Asian countries to recruit students for enrollment. Vietnamese students study in Taiwan to earn bachelor's, master's degrees, some schools have nearly 200 students in a year, but some schools only have one, and even some schools have none. The trend oflow birth rate is getting critical, and then the Taiwan schools in Southeast Asian countries, especially Vietnamese students' enrollment can be maintained for how long? Is it possible for these Vietnamese students to achieve the ideal data for tertiary institutions? Will foreign enrollment make the situation of insufficient enrollment in tertiary institutions in Taiwan be improved? What are the incentives that motivate the Vietnamese student to study in Taiwan? These are worth exploring. After graduation, the comparison of employment, as compared to the tertiary institutions of Taiwanese students, foreign students studying in Taiwan have better employments because they return to their native countries working in the local business companies run by Taiwanese employers, whether based on culture, language, technology, they can easily strive for high salary and can work for a longer than Taiwanese students. At present, Taiwanese businessmen in a foreign country have chosen to cultivate local talents and this makes a stiffer competition for overseas employment of Taiwanese students.
