  • 期刊

Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting Conservatism



This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and accounting conservatism from the perspective of the stakeholder theory and also investigates the effect of research and development (R&D) intensity on the CSR performance-conservatism nexus. Our findings show that CSR performance is positively associated with a higher level of accounting conservatism, in which this association increases for firms with a high level of R&D investment, suggesting that conservative accounting policies are likely driven by stakeholder demand for accounting quality. These results confirm that CSR firms motivated by a commitment to socially responsible causes are inclined to provide conservative financial reports in response to stakeholders' demands for accounting quality, and even more so in situations where they heavily invest in relationship-specific assets. Overall, our findings provide a better understanding of why and how CSR performance relates to the level of accounting conservatism.




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