  • 期刊


Preparation of Highly Oxidized Graphene Oxide for Wafer-scale Optical Grating


石墨烯的商業化以及特性調控,高度依賴如何從石墨上進行快速且大量地氧化剝離。本文提出一新製程-前置酸環境氧化製程(preformed acidic oxidizing medium approach, PAOM),可結合傳統哈默法(Hummers' method),進行快速且有效的氧化石墨烯(graphene oxide, GO)合成。本製程著重在預先混合過錳酸鉀及濃硫酸,得到一強氧化環境,再加入石墨粉達到快速且大量製備高度氧化的氧化石墨烯(significantly oxidized graphene oxide, SOGO)。PAOM除了能促進錳氧化劑擴散進入石墨內層間來加速石墨的氧化,還能有效地氧化大尺寸石墨片(直徑約0.8 mm),改進傳統哈默法只能氧化小尺寸石墨片的限制。而10倍產量的SOGO可以藉由PAOM一次製備完成。SOGO具卓越的分散性,被用來成功產出極度平坦的氧化石墨烯薄膜,有利於進行奈米級微影製程,成功地製作出高解析GO光柵,具有高規律的週期性(300 nm)及均勻厚度(厚度差異小於7 nm)。結合PAOM與大面積的奈米微影技術,可實現石墨烯大規模應用於奈米電子及光學元件的目標。


We report a new graphene oxide (GO) preparation with the combination of "preformed acidic oxidizing medium (PAOM)" and the Hummers' method to produce significantly oxidized graphene oxide (SOGO). PAOM created by the mixing of KMnO_4 and concentrated H_2SO_4 is capable of achieving rapid diffusion of the Mn-oxidants into the galleries of graphite flakes, and therefore results the effective graphite oxidation within a short time. Bulky graphite flake oxidation (~0.8 mm in diameter) and scalable preparation can also be realized by PAOM. SOGO with high oxidation degrees exhibits the greater electrocatalytic activities and suspension homogeneity than the GO prepared by the conventional Hummers' method. These properties enables the successful fabrication of SOGO optical gratings with precisely controlled periodicity (300 nm) and uniform thickness with variation less than 7 nm. The facile PAOM approach together with the wafer-scale patterning could potentially realize the high throughput graphene nanoelectronics fabrication.
