  • 期刊


The Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription of Xiao-Tan-Jie-Yu-Fang Effectively Relieves the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom


創傷後壓力症候群(Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD),是人們經歷過巨大災難後容易發生的精神症狀,腦中會不自主的浮現地震當時的畫面,因而出現失眠、作噩夢、精神恍惚、情緒暴躁、易受驚嚇等等精神症狀。臨床研究發現以逍遙散和二陳湯為主,所組成的新方劑消痰解鬱方可以改善創傷後壓力症候群的抑鬱、焦慮等症狀,並且提升睡眠品質,幫助患者更好的恢復生活。


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the phsychotic symptom of people suffered from catastrophes. The scene of catastrophic earthquake will involuntarily emerging in patient’s mind, accompanied by insomnia, nightmare, unconsciousness and irritable and vulnerable characters. Clinical study showed that the Traditional Chinese medicine Xiao-Tan-Jie-Yu-Fang (primarily comprising Shoyosan and Nichinto) effectively relieved symptom of depression and anxiety arising from PTSD. Furthermore, this prescription improved the sleep quality and, therefore, greatly helped patients have better quality of life.


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Van der Velden PG1, Wong A, Boshuizen HC, Grievink L.Persistent mental health disturbances during the 10 years after a disaster: four-wave longitudinal comparative study.Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Feb; 67(2): 110-8. doi: 10.1111/pcn.12022
