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Effects of Work and Family Conditions on the Physical and Mental Health of Preschool, Elementary, and High-School Teachers




Job satisfaction, family-life satisfaction, physical health conditions, and happiness are important topics in work and family studies. Compared to other occupations, preschool, elementary, and high-school teachers are role models for their students and the nature of their work necessitates greater attention to their physical and mental health (including physical health conditions and happiness). At the same time, as work-family conflict and facilitation are key factors affecting work-family balance, whether teachers achieve a balance between work and family has a determinative implication. Regarding this, the present study constructed an effects model on the basis of related literature, and took work-family conflict and work-family facilitation as the first layer of mediating variables and job satisfaction and family-life satisfaction as the second layer of mediating variables. In this model, the study attempts to investigate the effects that work and family conditions have on the physical health conditions and happiness of Taiwan's preschool, elementary, and high-school teachers. The results were compared with other occupations. This study took 1,296 married people aged between 21 and 84 who are currently employed in the 2011 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 6, Year 2), which comprised family as its subjects and with preschool, elementary, and high-school teachers as part of the control group. An analysis using the linear regression model was performed. The research results show that preschool, elementary, and high-school teachers, compared to people in other occupations, had higher work-family facilitation and greater family-life satisfaction, and thus, better physical health. With respect to happiness, as they had higher work-family facilitation, job satisfaction, and family-life satisfaction than people in some other occupations, they enjoyed greater happiness on the whole despite having greater work-family conflicts than those in most other occupations.


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