  • 期刊


A Case Report on Treating Shao-Yin type Epidemic Myalgia with Traditional Chinese Medicine


本篇病例報告將以一位疑似流行性肌痛症(epidemic myalgia)的38歲女性求診中醫之病例,由於惡寒、怕冷、頭痛、肌肉酸痛的症狀為主,診斷為少陰病,在麻黃附子細辛湯為主方搭配散腫潰堅湯、一次針刺療法的治療下,二日痊癒,其治療方式在不同階段的診斷及思路,可以作為日後對於這類疾病治療的參考。


Background: Epidemic myalgia is a disease that presents with fever and myalgia of the trunk due to an acute enterovirus infection. In western medicine, this disease is seldom reported in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. However, patients with epidemic myalgia tend to seek traditional Chinese medicine for acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy. This article aims to highlight a case of suspected epidemic myalgia which differentiated as the Shao-Yin type exogenous febrile disease according to traditional Chinese medicine symptoms. Case presentation: A 38-year-old woman presented with fever, sweating, chills, and acute episodes of headache, chest tightness and back pain for three days. Following treatment with acupuncture at GV24 and BL3, the fever subsided and the symptoms of headache and back pain relieved immediately. Furthermore, the disease was totally cured barely two days later using traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Conclusions: Based on this case report, epidemic myalgia differentiated as the Shao-Yin type according to traditional Chinese medicine symptoms could be rapidly relieved via acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine therapy.


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