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Clinical Review and Origin Tracing of the Long-Dan-Xie-Gan-Tang Decoctions in Ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine Works




Long-Dan-Xie-Gan-Tang (LDXGT) decoction is the typical formula in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat dampness-heat syndrome of liver meridian and upflaming of liver fire. There are three LDXGT decoctions in the work of Yi-Fang-Ji-Jie. The first formula origin was stated that it's from the book Ju-Fang. But we searched the whole book of Tai-Ping-Hui-Min-He-Ji-Ju-Fang, LDXGT decoction is not found. The second formula LDXGT decoction is derived from Lan-Shi-Mi-Cang, which is the works of Li Dong-Yuan. It is used to treat itching of external genitalia. The third LDXGT decoction dictated in the book Yi- Fang-Ji-Jie maybe derived from the book Wei-Sheng-Bao-Jian after our research and is originally used to treat bitter taste of the mouth. We searched the many ancient works of Traditional Chinese Medicine about the use record of LDXGT decoction and found: The first and the third LDXGT decoction are used more frequently. The second LDXGT decoction can be seen as the basis of the first LDXGT decoction. But all the three LDXGT decoctions have the same purpose to clear damp-heat of the liver. So there is no clear distinction in clinical use between three decoctions. We can use it to treat carbuncle of the genital region, urethritis, month bitterness, tongue swelling, herpes zoster.


李飛主編:中醫歷代方論精選,江蘇科學技術出版社,南京 1998;228-29。
劉景源整理:(宋)太平惠民和劑局方,人民衛生出版社,北京 2015。
李培英:中醫名方新用,河南醫科大學出版社,鄭州 1996;100。
金.李東垣:東垣醫集,人民衛生出版社,北京 2000;228-229。
