  • 期刊


An Inquiry into the Approaches of Law-related Education in Terms of the Reform of the Juvenile Legal System in Taiwan




Teacher and parents are troubled with the youth delinquency, especially as it is involved with legal matters. How do we treat the delinquent behaviors of students? When and to what extent do we need to ask the police to step in and to take over the matter? Above all, what kind of role should a teacher play in dealing with student behavior problems? What is a suitable approach for teachers to adopt in terms of law-related education? I will explore the problems in respective of the reform of the juvenile legal systems in Taiwan. The focus will be to introduce the system and its underlying idea, i.e. to grant the youth their rights to self-fulfilled growth. Furthermore, three teachers' approachs to law-related education in school, i.e., law-enforcer, manager, or counselor, will be examined in line with the reform.


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