  • 期刊


A Brocade-Weaving-Like Journey of Women's Traveling-A Study of Fen-Ling Chou's Journey of Writings




旅行書寫 周芬伶 女遊 異地經驗


The "journey of writing" can be regarded as a subcategory in the conventional classification of literature categories. While reading these kinds of materials, we can usually find in their content the author's subjective feelings as well as objective descriptions on the scenery during this journey. Sometimes, this kind of writing also reveals the exploration or pursuit of the author's life experiences implicitly, and we can even find in these materials the author's concerns and worries about the future of his or her country to a certain extent. In this manuscript, several articles written by Professor Fen-Ling Chou are investigated. As travel has become a popular interest in the modern era, we focus in this article on several issues related to a journey that one may think about. First of all, the meaning of a journey for a traveler is discussed. Second, the diversity on the observation or participation of different genders during a journey will be investigated. In this part, we will mainly focus on if females have more insight or distinct observation than males do during a journey. In addition, we explore how the texts make readers start to think about themselves, especially in the point of view of the alternative gender. Usually, scenery portrayal can be found in this kind of material, but we would like to specifically investigate what the author is thinking about herself and the type of identification or self-examination that she used for local people and interesting events met during her journey. Finally, a summary on the link and interactions between the journey and the writing done during this journey will be given in this article.




