  • 期刊


From 《The Definition Convert The Book of Changes into Chan of Buddism》 See Time and Position in Life


藕益大師《周易禪解》一書的研究現況,大多傾向於「易佛會通」或「儒佛會通」的研究,而《周易禪解》所論及的「時」與「位」,至今似乎未見有相關的研究,而「時」與「位」乃是《易》學的核心思想,無論是《周易》或《周易禪解》,二書皆以極多的篇幅來探討,並面對此困境予以解決之道。以《周易》一書而言,即在教人趨吉避凶之道,而趨吉避凶之方,即不超出「時」與「位」的範圍;以《周易禪解》一書而言,以佛學思想論之,所謂「佛法在世間,不離世間覺」,在證得佛果之前,必須先於人間修練方得成就,爲了因應「世間無常」之變數,趨吉避凶的處世之道,亦爲修行者所不容忽視,因此激發筆者研究的動機,本文擬將《周易禪解》一書中,有關「生命中的時機」、「生命中的位置」、「逆轉時位的關鍵」的部分予以分析探討。 《周易禪解》一書乃是藕益大師以方外之僧,來論談生命中的時與位,其論已然超越一般世俗的見解,以其佛法造詣言之:大師教研大乘,不偏一門,故能融通諸宗,而得淵博之學養;而其行尚彌陀,深入一門,故能闡陽淨宗,而得極樂之歸宿。綜觀《周易禪解》一書,其內容雖涵蓋有天台之治學方法,以及禪學之觀心方法,但究其於世間與出世間之「時」與「位」的實踐方法,則依然可於淨土一門中見其足跡。《周易禪解》談論生命中的時與位,是融通世間法與出世間法的一道橋樑:以世間法而言,趨吉避凶乃因應世間變數的君子之道;以出世間法而言,破迷啓悟乃對應世間無常的成聖之方。此書論及生命中的時與位,能不昧富貴利祿的追逐,於俗世中跳脫開來,而登出世之覺悟,將生命的意義與價值做一無限量地開展,此其論說之特色與價值。


The current research about (The definition convert The book of Changes into Chan of Buddism) which was written by Ou Yi master. Mostly incline toward the research of ”the interaction between the Changes and the Buddism” or ”the interaction between the Confucinism and the Buddism”, and concerning about the time and position in life which from the book, up to now seem not to have a related research. The issue of the time and position in life were the cour thought of the book. The book had been discussing the issue all the time, and had been teaching human how to tending the lucky chance and avoiding the bad chance. Most importantly, Ou Yi master discussed the issue with the Buddhist thought. After all, the the Buddhist doctrine could not leave the world to feel the world. Before becoming the Buddha, you have to practice the humman life and fix the human problum. It is the motive for me to research the ussue. This essay plans to research and analyse three section. ”the time in the life”、”the position in the life”、”the convers of the time and the position in the life” which were concerned from 《The definition convert The book of Changes into Chan of Buddism》. Ou Yi master who was to be a monk and talk about the problem of the person in the world. The theory ”the time and position in life” had already surmounted general common customs of view. Take a comprehensive view of 《The definition convert The book of Changes into Chan of Buddism》, The issue of ”the time and position in life” is the bridge to interact between the world studies and the Buddhist studies . In regard to the world studies, the mothed of tending to the lucky chance and avoiding the bad chance is the most important way for the gentleman to become a saint. In regard to the Buddhist studies, the mothed of tending to the consciousness and relieveing the puzzle is the most important way for the Buddhist to become a Buddha. The value of the book is Ou Yi master could quit to seek the fame and fortune and promote the meaning and value of the life.


