  • 期刊


A Study of Red Card Violations in 1998 and 2002 Soccer World Cup


本研究之目的,以1998及2002年兩屆世界盃足球賽中紅牌犯規之過程,加以印証裁判執法之成效。分析對象以1998及2002年兩屆世界盃足球賽共64強(32強(上標 *)2屆)128場(64場(上標 *)2屆)之比賽爲主。自NHK及中華電視台錄製而成之影帶,於國立台灣體育足球研究室中,利用V.T.R.之設備,經再生慢速放影觀察中,記錄各場比賽裁判執法之過程,並依據執法過程,出現紅牌之時段、位置、犯規之分類及歷屆紅牌之比較、過程,加分析探討。並得到以下幾點結論: 本屆世界盃足球賽中,紅牌數量增多,除了相應於比賽場次增多之外, 一、犯規時間:球賽愈接近尾聲,則勝負呼之欲出之時,動作越加火爆,小動作犯規行爲即越多。 二、犯規位置:後半場出現紅牌之機率高於前半場。 三、犯規行爲:兩屆世足賽紅牌犯規行爲,以嚴重犯規>第二張黃牌>惡劣行爲>侮辱言行。


足球 紅牌 犯規


The object of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of referee methodology via the violations taken place in the course of the 1998 and 2002 Soccer World Cup. The object of analysis is primarily targeted on 128 matches among thirty-two teams in the 1998 and 2002 Soccer World Cup. The review was based on observing the video tapes produced by Japan NHK and Taiwan CTS. The various matches' referee proceedings and decisions are duly documented. The time, location and violation category where red cards were given were subsequently examined. The following conclusions have been drawn: In the said world cup, the occurrences of red card have increased, and in contrast to the increase of matches this time: I. Violation Time: the closer to the end of the game, the more red cards were given; II. Violation Location: red card were given in the back court more than that of in the front court; III. Violation Action: The ranking of the reason why red card were given: serious violation>second yellow card>unethical behaviour>verbal insult.


Soccer Red card Violation


FIFA(1986).(100 Year of International Football Association Boasd).
FIFA Magazine(1996).Keeping up with the Rules.FIFA Magazine.38,6-11.
FIFA News(1998).(Report of France 1998 World Cup).
