  • 期刊


Analysis of Reliability for Split Steps by Using Wearable Sensing Device



羽球米字步法常被使用於敏捷能力訓練與檢測,爭取在最短的時間內完成,不過在不同計時儀器的使用上容易造成時間差異而影響成績表現,因此本研究目的欲利用無線加速規、影像分析與傳統手按碼表量測羽球米字步敏捷性測驗,探討計時差異情形。方法:實驗徵求6位大專男性羽球愛好者,利用數位錄影機、手按碼表與無線加速規收集並分析6次米字步敏捷性測試之完成時間。實驗結果以SPSS 20.0進行組內相關係數(The intra-class correlation, ICC)考驗所測資料之信賴度,並計算出每次跳躍的時間平均值與標準差,再進一步求得變異係數(Coefficient of Variation, CV)。結果:三種方法皆能分析米字步測試的完成時間(ICC>.70)。結論:本研究中驗證以穿戴是無線感測裝置所量測之數據有極高的信賴度,未來可以建議使用在類似人體運動分析上。


羽球 敏捷能力 無線加速規


Badminton split steps test often used in agility training and testing, and to be completed within the shortest possible time. But, using different timing equipment easily caused timing differences. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the customized wireless accelerometer can achieve the same timing results with the traditional ways. Methods: Six male college badminton lovers joined the split steps test. Using digital video recorder, stopwatch and wireless accelerometer collected and analyzed 6 times of split steps tests completion time. The data were analyzed by the intra-class correlation (ICC) test with SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Results: Three methods all can be used to analyze the split steps tests completion time (ICC>.70). Conclusion: This study verified the wearable wireless sensing device has a high reliability to measure the test. In the future, this wearable wireless sensing device can be recommended for use on similar human motion analysis.
