  • 期刊

臺灣新紀錄外來種:多稜角螺Angulyagra polyzonata (Frauenfeld, 1862)(腹足綱:田螺科)之形態描述與生殖生物學初探

A Morphological Description and Reproductive Biology of Angulyagra polyzonata (Frauenfeld, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) as a Snail Newly Recorded Specice to Taiwan


多稜角螺Angulyagra polyzonata (Fraucnfeld, 1862)原產於中國福建、廣東、海南島與雲南,熱帶與亞熱帶地區,因人為放流而入侵臺灣的外來種,目前分布於屏東縣九如鄉到潮川鎮一帶,外型與有肋型的石田螺極為相似,主要棲息於河流、小溪、溝渠及湖泊當中,以水生植物莖葉和附生藻類為食。分類上屬,腹足鋼(Gastropda),前鰓亞鋼(Prosobranchia),中腹足目(Mesogastropoda),田螺科(Viviparidae)。本文將對於屏東縣九如鄉玉泉村所採得之多稜角螺的外部形態特徵做詳細之描述,並估算出最小生殖體長為18mm及平均懷胎數為3.95±9.47個。此外,本文針對多稜角螺是否會干擾破壞水域生態或與原生種淡水螺競爭棲地進行初步的探討。


外來種 田螺科 多稜角螺


An exotic species, Angulyagra polvzonata (Frauenfeld, 1862) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Mesogastropoda: Viviparidae) was reported as a species of freshwater snail newly recorded to Taiwan. It is originally produces from the Chinese Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan Island and Yunnan, the tropics and the subtropics area. The Angulvagra polyzonata invasion into Taiwan was by people to release into the wild and the aquarium ornamentals trade. It inhabited in river, stream, channel and pond, feed on stem and leaf of hydrophytes and epiphytic algae. In this reported, we will describe its morphology characters, and to estimate minimum length of reproduction was 18 mm and average embryo number was 3.95±9.47. In addition, it is need to attentiveness that Angulyagra polyzonata whether to destroy crop and competition to habitat with originally freshwater snail.
