  • 期刊


The Republic of China Reimbursed Contributions to the United Nations




The article mainly discusses the Republic of China (R.O.C.) how to reimburse a lot of contributions to the United Nations (UN) during 1946-1971. In 1946, the R.O.C. strived for seat of the Security Council permanent members, and got the high quota of contributions voluntarily. A difficult challenge was following that the R.O.C did not pay as scheduled. In 1949, after stepping down China, the R.O.C. migrated to Taiwan and the situation was getting worse because of lacking of resources. The R.O.C. declared not to attend some of important international organizations in the early 1950s, but he reimbursed UN contributions diligently in order to maintain the China's seat in the United Nations and membership of the United Nations Security Council. After increasing along with the budget and the military expenses of the United Nations, the R.O.C tried to apply many times to reduce the quota, but it was fail in the end that unable to obtain US's assistance and propose new national income data to United Nations. In 1971, the R.O.C exited the United Nations under the international situation vicissitude, from that time he did not need to shoulder the contributions again, and this huge duty transferred to the People's Republic of China.


(United Nations. General Assembly Official Records: tenth session supplement no.10(A/2951).New York:United Nations,1955.).
〈聯合國會費案〉,第3冊,中央研究院近代史研究所藏,《外交部檔案》,檔號 632.3/91004。Lian he guo hui fei an , v.3, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jin suo cang, Wai jiao bu dang an, File No. 632.3/91004.
〈我欠繳各國際組織會費案〉,第2冊,中央研究院近代史研究所藏,《外交部檔案》,檔號 633.32/002。"Wo qian jiao ge guo ji zu zhi hui fei an", v.2, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo cang, Wai jiao bu dang an, File No. 633.32/002.
〈我欠繳各國際組織會費案〉,第4冊,中央研究院近代史研究所藏,《外交部檔案》,檔號 633.32/004。"Wo qian jiao ge guo ji zu zhi hui fei an", v.4, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo cang, Wai jiao bu dang an, File No. 633.32/004.
〈我欠繳各國際組織會費案〉,第8冊,中央研究院近代史研究所藏,《外交部檔案》,檔號 633.32/008。"Wo qian jian ge guo ji zu zhi hui fei an", v.8, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo cang, Wai jiao bu dang an, File No. 633.32/008.
