  • 期刊


An Investigation of Hakka Caponization Technique in Liudui Area




閹雞 閹割技術 祭祀文化


Capon is part of the Hakka ritual culture which is belonging to the common memories for the older generation of Hakka people. Cockerels are raised to 4-8 weeks, and then the surgery of caponization is conducted. The capon in Hakka worship to pray, worship ceremony of reverence for his ancestors, which can highlight the Hakka stamina religious meaning in terms of spirit of diligence and hard-working. Therefore, capon worship plays an important role in the Hakka ritual culture. The surgical caponization technique can only be pass on to relatives in early rural Hakka society. The practicing capon masters were less than 200 people now. Therefore, the government held a capon training course hoping to preserve the caponization technique in 1990s. The purpose of this study is to investigate the surgical caponization technique in qualitative method by observation and semi-structured interviews. Additionally, this study revealed the surgical caponization technique in more details in order to make a progress and innovation for the technology. Moreover, experiments for the cockerel care after surgery capon were carried out. Furthermore, in order to examine the feasibility of capon industry, this study also assessed the capon chefs decreasing and capon technique disappearing. Some suggestions regarding to the development of caponization technique and capon industry were also provided.


