  • 期刊


Fostering Learning Paradigm Shift with Game-Based Learning


在這篇論文中,作者主張運用遊戲來促成「學習典範轉移」(learning paradigm shift)。「學習典範轉移」指的是從仰賴記憶和理解為目標的學習模式,轉變為以批判既有知識與創造新知識為目標的模式。二十一世紀的全球化趨勢,讓我們必須重新思考基本教育的方向,與新時代的學習基本素養(new literacies)。以此為立論基礎,作者檢視當前主流教育系統培育的人才,與二十一世紀知識經濟所需創新人才之間的鴻溝,說明這兩種人才在思考方法上的差異。作者申論遊戲學習與主流學習方法的基本差異,並以「拯救鴨子湖」這個角色扮演遊戲課程作為遊戲學習促進「學習典範轉移」的範例。最後,作者申論運用遊戲促成「學習典範轉移」的局限,作為本文總結。


To meet the global, social, and economic challenges, the author argues that games and game-based learning afford the opportunities for a paradigm shift in learning. The author maintains that the ability to innovate, create and critique ready-made knowledge should be considered ”new literacies” for the 21st century global society. This perspective differs dramatically from the conventional definition of literacy-the ability to read and write-which is conceptualized based on the needs of industrial societies. The author articulates how games and game-based learning approaches may be designed to foster new literacies. He provides a game-based learning program Saving Lake Wingra as an for 21st century literacies, and delineates major challenges enacting


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Gee, J.P.(2007).Good Video Games and Good Learning: Collected Essays on Video Games, Learning and Literacy.New York, US:Peter Lang.


