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The Possible Direction of Unification-Independence Issue in Taiwan - the Observation of Spanish's Separate Movements


西班牙係屬多元民族建構國家,境內分離運動不斷。其中,巴斯克地區以採取暴力性的分離運動來對抗西班牙中央政權的鎮壓;另一個地區加泰隆尼亞則靠發達的經濟實力,採行和平漸進的手段來爭取獨立自主的國內外地位。20 世紀以來西班牙政府積極從法制面的制定、黨政協商與爭取國際合作打擊恐怖活動等方面,著手因應境內的分離運動,但礙於國家財政的困難而使民族團結的制約力趨弱,地方主義的強勢運作現今仍是西班牙政府必須面對的棘手難題。反觀中華民國也是一個族群多元、國家認同分歧的國度,境內統獨議題紛爭不斷。尤其,面對北京當局的「一中糾葛」與藍綠對立的「國家認同混淆」,大多數的台灣主流民意主張「維持現狀」並支持台灣前途應由台灣全體人民自決。台灣當局如今應在「不統、不獨、不武」的執政基調上,主動突破嚴峻的國際生存空間,讓提升台灣總體經濟發展及民主成就優先於統獨之爭。正如同西班牙的巴斯克和加泰隆尼亞模式提供給我們的借鏡,破壞國際和平與社會秩序的非理性行為往往阻絕了主權獨立的理想,提升政經實力與國際影響力才是民族與國家自立自強的談判籌碼。


Spain is a multi-ethic country. As we know, a multi-ethic country often has to face the problem of separatism or the challenge from local to central. There are two different separatism types in Spain which has been observed by political researchers for a long time. First, Basque took terrorism to express the desire of independence more than 30 years and still fight. The other, Catalonia adopt peaceful mean with its powerful economic constitution. The Spanish government has adopt a number of methods included constitution amending, party-government consultation, international cooperation counter-terrorism operation to meet the challenge of the local impact. However, although the government's elites wrack their brain to safeguard the country's integrity, the separatism grow more serious day after day. Taiwan has been isolated in international society for a long time by China, and Taiwan always face the adverse effects of isolation and the pressure of sovereignty losing. For a better international environment for our country, the relationship between central and local in Spain especially Catalonia's experiences seems more creative for us to think about.
