  • 學位論文


Case control study of non viral hepatitis associated with herbal drug use in the emergency department

指導教授 : 王榮德




The use of Chinese herbal medicine to maintain health among the Chinese ethnic group is deeply rooted in the Chinese way of living for centuries. Since there is a high prevalence in the usage in Taiwan, our study aims to study the relationship of herbal use and visits to the emergency department under the diagnosis of acute non-viral hepatitis. This study is a prospective, density sampling case control study in which patients with non-viral hepatitis was questioned for herbal use. An univariate analysis and conditional logistic regression analysis using the PHPREG procedure in SAS 9.0 (SAS Institute Inc.) was preformed with a discreet logistic model stratified by matching variables. Seventy cases were matched to 140 controls. In the univariate model, long term use of drugs, history of western drugs used, history of herb use, alcohol consumption, recent use of herbs gave an increase in the risk of developing acute non viral hepatitis. After multiplicative conditional logistic regression, we find that the use of herbs within a 3-month period and the concurrent use of western drug pose the greatest threat of acute non-viral hepatitis. We concluded that herbs and drugs used prior to developing acute non viral hepatitis is associated with the development of the disease. Due to the small sample size of this study, there is a need for further study to correctly identifying the cause-effect relationship of herbs and hepatitis, so that further inferences can be made.


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