  • 學位論文


An Anonymous Ring Signature Scheme with Strong Specified Verifiers

指導教授 : 黃心嘉




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To provide more anonymous protection for the actual signer, the first ring signatures with strong specified verifiers is proposed in 2007. In the ring signature scheme with strong specified verifiers, any member in the ad-hoc ring is able to generate ring signatures, so ring signatures provide signer ambiguity to protect the actual signer’s anonymity. Moreover, only the specified verifier is convinced that the actual signer is one of the ring members. The other only guesses the actual signer may be one of the ring members and the specified verifier. If the other one guesses the actual signer being not only the ring members but also any possible ones, the scheme with strong specified verifiers provides the maximum anonymity protection for the actual signer. In order to convince the specified verifier, the specified verifier is still sure that the actual signer is one of the ring members. Therefore, the first anonymous ring signature scheme with strong specified verifiers is proposed. In our scheme, the signer admission is also provided for the actual singer to prove who the actual signer is. The provable security analysis is provided to show that our scheme satisfies the ring signatures’ correctness and unforgeability.


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