  • 學位論文

複方中草藥對於胃黏膜因 indo-methacin引起急性損傷之保護功效

The Protect Effect of Herbal compounds of the Acute Gastric Ulcer induced by Indomethacin

指導教授 : 李彗禎


胃潰瘍是種胃黏膜損傷後的疾病,嚴重的患者甚至會造成消化道出血以及腸胃道穿孔,造成潰瘍的原因很多,包括遺傳、精神因素、感染、壓力、食物以及藥物作用…等,一旦失調都會造成胃黏膜的傷害。臨床上常用的Indomethacin,是種Indol的衍生物,具抗發炎及具止痛效果的NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)類的藥物,此藥雖然不含固醇類結構,但其藥理機轉會抑制cyclooxygenase (COX)這類的酵素而降低prostaglandin (PGs)的濃度,因此增加5-LOX代謝產物,如leukotriene而導致胃腸道黏膜的損傷。此外,COX被抑制後,胃黏膜分泌黏液能力以及bicarbonate的量會減少,而且減少黏膜層的血流量,造成血管的損傷,白血球的聚積,以及減少細胞的新生與代謝…而導致胃黏膜層的破壞更加嚴重。因此,本次實驗利用Indomethacin這種non-selective COX inhibitor,來誘導大白鼠的胃黏膜損傷模式,並於誘導胃黏膜傷害前以及傷害後給予複方中藥 (烏賊骨、白芍、甘草、砂仁、生薑、甲殼素、紅球薑) ,以三種不同的劑量評估。顯示中、高劑量的複方中藥與Strocaine相互比較下,效果更好。此複方中藥確實保護了胃黏膜,不論給藥前或是給藥後,胃黏模損傷因此獲得改善。




Gastric Ulcer is a kind of disease after gastric mucus damage. Including genetic, mental, infection, stress...may cause disease of Gastric Ulcer. Clinically, we use NSAIDs as a pain relief drug but it will damage the gastric mucus through inhibit COX and decrease the concentration of PGs and increase 5-LOX. In this experiment, we use Indomethacin, a non-selective COX inhibitor, to induce the gastric mucus damage of SD rats. And treat with different concentration of herbal medicine to confirm the treatment and protect function of SD rats.


gastric ulcer


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