  • 學位論文


Family Background and Human Capital in Taiwan: Evidence from Nine-Year Compulsory Education

指導教授 : 陳建良


本文目的在觀察台灣經濟發展過程中,子女教育成就與家庭背景的關係。特別是1968年九年國民義務教育推行之後,家庭背景、手足效果與出生序效果彼此間的互動。考量小學畢業後升學與否的內生性,本研究以二階段模型估計九年國教下的升學機率,並以擬真分析衡量九年國教的外溢效果。本研究採華人家庭動態資料庫 (PSFD) 三個主樣本合併資料進行分析,以各家庭中的手足為基準擴充主樣本,並以群集化 (cluster) 變異精確處理跨家庭手足樣本的異質性問題。結果發現,父母親教育程度對子女教育成就影響呈現正相關,父親影響程度又高於母親,此跨代影響效果隨世代演進而縮小。姊姊對弟妹教育年數的助益主要發生在早年,且姊姊對弟弟的助益大於妹妹;晚近的效果並不顯著。手足間資源競爭情形以1950-69出生群最為明顯,出生序愈後者接受的教育年數也愈多。此外,義務教育延長後對女性的教育年數影響大於男性。


Purpose of this study is to address the relationship between family background and educational achievements of the children in Taiwan over the path of economic development, focusing on the interaction of family background, sibling effect, and birth order effect before and after 1968, the extension of compulsory education from 6 to 9 years. Considering the endogeneity of compliance to the law of compulsory education, two-stage regression is applied to estimate the probability of compliance at first and educational achievement consequently. Clustering technique is used to correct the possible bias from sibling samples. The overall effect of extended compulsory education is then estimated by counterfactual analysis. The empirical results show that parental education is positively correlated with children's educational achievements and father's effect is larger than that of mother’s. The cross-generation relationship becomes weaker along with economic development. The advantage of having an elder sister on educational opportunity exists mainly in the early years with the effects on younger brother larger than on younger sisters. Sibling effect becomes insignificant in recent years. Resources competition between siblings is found to be serious for the 1950-69 cohorts. The higher birth order seems to have better educational opportunity. Extension of compulsory education enlengthes schooling year of the female more than that of the male.


一、 中文文獻
1.中國教育協會 (1971),《九年國民教育研究》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館。
2.王家通 (2003),《各國教育制度》,臺北市:師大書苑出版。
3.吳慧瑛 (2005),「家庭背景與教育成就:五個出生世代的比較分析」,《中央大學九十週年校慶-2005年勞動經濟學學術研討會議論文集》,151-172,中壢:中央大學經濟系。
