  • 學位論文


18 years of Vegetation Change along Altitudinal Gradient in Nanjenshan Lowland Forest, Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴宜鈴、王志強


本研究目的在了解南仁山低地森林在海拔梯度上的植群現況及18年間森林動態變化。本研究於2013年複查南仁山於1995年由海拔280 m到470 m所設立的0.76公頃樣帶樣區,量測所有胸高直徑≧1的木本植物,共計錄5,936株,分屬43科78屬114種木本植物。麓坡處以大戟科、桑科及樟科及植物為優勢,山頂則以樟科、冬青科及桃金孃科為優勢。植群密度山頂處最高,達9,758 株/ha,平均胸高斷面積在稜線中段最高,平均單株胸高斷面積隨麓坡至山頂逐漸縮小。與1995年相較,1995年至2013年仍存活的樣木共有2,569株,死亡2,393株,新增了3,367株,整體胸高斷面積增加了4.2%。有20種移出,7種移入。森林組成和1995年時相似,以中徑木與小徑木的新增與死亡最多,而大徑木的死亡率較低且有較高的胸高斷面積生長。溫帶分布的樟科、殼斗科與冬青科植物的重要值在海拔較低處下降,而熱帶分布的大戟科及楝科植物重要值在海拔較低處增加,表示熱帶分布的植物在樣帶中較1995年時佔有更優勢的地位。


海拔梯度 森林動態 南仁山


The purpose of this study was to understand the vegetation composition and forest dynamic between 1995 and 2013 in Nanjenshan along the altitudinal gradient. A 0.76 ha permanent transect plot, established in 1995, was recensused in 2013. All woody plants which diameter at the breat height ≧1 cm were measured. A total of 5,936 trees, belong to 114 species, 78 genera and 43 families, were recorded in 2013. The forest in foot hill was dominated by Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae and Lauraceae species, but in hilltop dominated by Lauraceae, Aquifoliaceae and Myrtaceae. The maximum tree density reached 9,758 individuals per hectar happened in the hilltop. The maximum tree basal area happened in the middle slope. Average individual basal area decreased along the altitude. Compared to the results of 1995, 2,569 trees survived and 2,393 trees was dead from 1995, and 3,367 trees recruited. The total basal area of the vegetation had increased 4.2%. Twenty species were emigrated and seven species were immigrated. However, the overall change of forest composition was small. The recruitment and mortality of middle trees and small trees were higher than big trees. Big trees had higher basal area growth. The dominance of families originated from temperate zone, including Lauraceae, Fagaceae and Aquifoliaceae, was decreased in lower altitude. In contrast, the dominance of tropics originated plants, including Euphorbiaceae and Meliaceae, were increased in lower altitude. The results indicated that tropics originated plants took more dominancy than 1995 in Nanjenshan lowland forest.


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