  • 學位論文


Patterns of Genetic Variation and Genetic Structure in Juniperus morrisonicola Hayata in Taiwan Mt. Sheishan and Mt. Nanhu

指導教授 : 洪國翔 王志強


玉山圓柏(Juniperus morrisonicola Hayata)分布於台灣海拔3,000公尺以上高山地區,是分布位置最高的針葉樹種,多數研究指出,由於氣候變遷的影響,會造成物種生長分布範圍往高緯度或高海拔遷移的現象,本研究使用12組微衛星分子標誌進行雪山及南湖大山之玉山圓柏族群遺傳研究分析,並利用物種分布模擬來預測未來玉山圓柏的潛在分布範圍。結果顯示,在雪山或南湖大山兩大山系之不同海拔梯度生育的玉山圓柏族群中,位於中間海拔族群(Sh-M和Na-M)相對於邊緣族群(Sh-L、Sh-H、Na-L和Na-H)皆顯示具有較高的遺傳多樣性,且山系內的族群間分化程度與海拔梯度呈現正相關,即分化程度隨海拔增加而提高;另外瓶頸效應檢測也指出大部分玉山圓柏族群都遭受瓶頸效應而面臨族群數量下降的問題,進而使遺傳多樣性下降;在基因交流分析部分指出山系間之水平方向的基因交流量皆小於同一山系之垂直方向的基因交流量,顯示山脈對玉山圓柏族群具有阻隔效應,在物種分布模擬分析指出在隨著暖化溫度增加,玉山圓柏適生的棲地有逐漸減少的趨勢。整合物種分布模擬及基因交流分析指出,隨溫度的增加其族群有往較高海拔遷移現象且族群的生育地亦明顯減少,總合上述結果推論氣候變遷可能使玉山圓柏族群萎縮以及族群有往較高遷移之趨勢。 關鍵字: 氣候變遷、遺傳多樣性、玉山圓柏、微衛星分子標記、物種分布模擬


Juniperus morrisonicola Hayata is mainly distributed at high mountains above 3,000 m in Taiwan. The climate change has influences on the distribution of species. Many studies have revealed that alpine plants would migrate into higher latitude or altitude, resulting in drastic deduction in their distribution ranges. In this study, we used 12 microsatellite loci to assess the population genetic structure of J. morrisonicola, and species distribution modeling (SDM) was used to predict the distribution of species in Mt. Sheishan and Mt. Nanhu. The higher level of genetic diversity in the central populations (Sh-M, Na-M) were indicated than periphery populations (Sh-L, Sh-H, Na-L, Na-H) in Mt. Sheishan and Mt. Nanhu. A significant isolation-by-distance relationship was found, and bottleneck analysis indicated most populations suffered the decline of population size, and genetic diversity. Gene flow analysis showed that higher levels in vertical direction than horizontal direction, suggesting mountain caused isolation effects among J. morrisonicola populations. SDM analysis showed the suitable habitat of J. morrisonicola are compressed and become smaller with increasing temperature. Integrating gene flow and SDM analysis suggested that J. morrisonicola experienced population shrinkage, especially in high-altitude populations, and upward migration was also indicated. In summary, climate changes may cause the shrinkage of population associated with upward migration in J. morrisonicola. Keywords: climate change, genetic diversity, Juniperus morrisonicola, microsatellites, species distribution modeling


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