  • 期刊


The Effect of Music Group Therapy Improving Agitated Psychiatric Patients


本研究旨在分析音樂團體治療對急性精神科病人之激躁行為、焦慮憂鬱情緒之成效,採單組前測、後測之類實驗研究設計,研究樣本取自某醫學中心精神科急性病房之精神分裂症及情感性精神病人,共收案44人。研究工具為激躁行為量表、醫院焦慮憂鬱量表、整體功能狀態量表,在住院期間介入每週二次、每次一小時之音樂團體治療,並於每次音樂團體治療前、後再收集激躁行為量表,每人平均參加6.05次,研究結果發現病人於出院前之激躁行為經介入音樂團體治療後較入院三天內達統計上的顯著差異,t=4.03,p<.05;而焦慮情緒,t=2.85,p<.05,雖達統計差異,但較難判定為音樂團體治療之成效;本研究更於每次音樂團體治療前、後以paired t-test檢定參與病人之激躁行為,亦達統計上顯著差異(p<.05);研究質性分析部份,參與病人對音樂治療團體有極高的評價,認為有放鬆及舒緩情緒的療效。因此,本研究建議急性精神科病房運用音樂團體治療能讓病人心情舒緩,進而達有效改善其激躁行為,而達到穩定情緒效果,值得加以推廣。


The purpose of this study was to aware the effect of music group therapy on agitated behavior, anxiety and depression mood status of acute psychosis patients. One-group qusai-experimental research design was conducted. A sample of 44 patients was selected from an acute psychiatric ward in a medical center in Taipei. The measurements were Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Global Assessment of Functioning. Music therapy group was practiced for one hour each time during hospitalized. Everyone attended an average of 6.05 times for music group therapy. Data were collected from CMAI before and after music therapy group for pre-test and post-test. The results found that music group therapy indeed improved (p<.05) of CMAI and agitation behaviors in the hospitalized. There were also showed significant difference (p<.05) of CMAI before and after by paired t-test in each music group therapy. Patients participant in the group with very highly mark of music therapy, and thought that could bring them into relax and alleviate their stress. Therefore, this study suggests that the practice of music group therapy can provide patient's emotion relaxation, improving their agitated behaviors and finally stabilized their mood status, it is worth to be extended.
