
人力資源管理學報/Journal of Human Resource Management

中華人力資源發展學會 & Ainosco Press,正常發行


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本研究的目的在探討關係適配(個人與主管適配、個人與群體適配)對於理性適配(個人與工作的需求—能力適配、個人與工作的需要—供給適配、個人與組織適配)和結果變項間之關係的干擾效果。透過328 份主管與部屬的對偶資料,進行polynomial 迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:除了關係適配對於個人與工作的需求—能力適配和離職傾向間之干擾效果不顯著外,關係適配和理性適配之間存在互動的效果。具體來說,當其中一種適配指標達到高契合程度,或者當兩種適配指標同時都達到高契合的程度時,員工會展現出較高的工作績效、工作滿意、以及較低的離職傾向。最後,則對於本研究結果與貢獻、研究限制、未來研究方向、以及實務上的管理意涵進行討論。

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In this study, the conservation of resource theory was adopted to investigate the mediating effects of emotional exhaustion on the relationship between supervisor neuroticism and employee voice behavior. In addition, we examined the moderating effects of self-efficacy and emotion regulation on the indirect effect that supervisor neuroticism exerts on employee voice behavior through emotional exhaustion. This study collected 226 sets of valid data on employees and their respective supervisors by using multiple data sources. Through hierarchical regression and analysis of moderated mediation, this study determined that emotional exhaustion can mediate the negative relationship between supervisor neuroticism and employee voice. Furthermore, self-efficacy and emotion regulation can respectively moderate the relationship between supervisor neuroticism and emotional exhaustion. An analysis of moderated mediating effect revealed that self-efficacy and emotion regulation can moderate the indirect effect that supervisor neuroticism exerts on employee voice behavior through emotional exhaustion. The present study also provided relevant theoretical and practical implications.

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本研究探究多工作業多元性對團體表現之影響,包括團體績效與效率,及其中介機制與適當情境,並以調節式中介模式進行效果驗證。採問卷法施測,共蒐集88 份有效之團體成套問卷,包含553 名全職工作者。研究結果發現,控制團體成員關係與作業多元性、團體背景變項後,多工作業多元性、團體時間規劃程度皆有助於團體績效與團體效率之表現;而團體時間規劃程度會中介團體多工作業多元性與團體表現間關係,對團體績效、團體效率皆具有完全中介效果。調節式中介模式分析結果也驗證任務相依性的情境效果,多工作業多元性對團體表現的直接與間接效果,在低度或中度任務相依性的團體中較為顯著。最後進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、人資實務意涵以及未來研究方向。

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Pay secrecy has been a contentious issue in many organizations for a long time. Given the ambiguous explanations regarding its efficacy in organizations today, a deeper understanding of pay secrecy and its effects is warranted. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to fill this gap by examining the relationships between pay secrecy, distributive justice and job-related outcomes for employees. Data from 290 employees in Taiwan indicate that pay secrecy has both direct and indirect negative influences on task performance. Distributive justice fully mediates the relationship between pay secrecy and job satisfaction and the relationship between pay secrecy and organizational commitment. This study contributes to the theory, practice, and clarification of the relationships between pay secrecy and job-related outcomes.