  • 期刊


Degenerative Changes in Neutrophil S as an Indi-Cator of Neonatal Sepsis



由週邊血液抹片(peripheral blood smear) 檢查中性白血球(neutrophils)的變性變化(degenerative changes),包括泡化作用 (vacuolization )及毒性顆粒化作用(toxic granulation) ,在偵測新生兒細菌感染的效應,已被廣泛接受。264 位尚未接受抗生素治療而須作敗血症篩檢(septic workups)的新生兒為砰究對象, 30 例血液培養證實有敗血症;發現中性白血球變性變化兩項同時或個別出現總和百分比(vacuolization and/or toxic granulation/100 neutrophils )的增加而陽性預測正確值(positive predictive accuracy)及專一性(specificity)亦隨著上升,當其比率超過 50%以上時,其陽性預測正確值及專一性可高達 100% ,但敏感性(sensitivity)卻下降。6例因敗血症死亡病例,大都顯示有較高百分比的中性白血球變性變化。至於單項泡化作用與毒性顆粒化作用的分項定性分析,亦較其他傳統檢驗項目有較高的預測價值。這種簡單的測試能在所有的醫院內完成,無需特殊的檢驗設備,即可提供一種快速而有價值的新生兒敗血症偵測方法。




Detection of the degenerative changes of neutrophils (D.C.N.) including vacuolization and toxic granulation in peripheral blood smear can be of value in identifying neonates with infection. A prospective study of 264 neonates who required septic work-ups in the first month of life was conducted. Thirty neonates were proved to have sepsis subsequently. The accuracy of the degree of the D.C.N. to predict neonatal sepsis was assessed. Vacuolization and/or toxic granulation in neutrophils varied from 0% to over 50%/100 neutrophils scanned. The higher the degree of D.C.N. the greater was the like- hood of sepsis. The positive predictive accuracy and specificity increased with the degree of D.C.N. from 24.7% to 100% and 70% to 100% respectively, but the sensitivity decreased accordingly. When D.C.N. was less than 10% the chance of sepsis was less than 5%. Most of newborns dying of proven sepsis had higher percentage of D.C.N.. These findings suggest that degree of D.C.N. may be associated with the outcome of the patients. This simple test can be performed easily in all hospital; it does not require special laboratory facilities and provide a valuable adjunct in early detection of severity and outcome of the neonates with sepsis.
