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Local-Color Literature and Modernity: The Example of Jewett



在面對現代性意識形態的殖民化時,地方色彩文學肯定在地差異之價值,因而我們可將這種文學視為對現代性強制化所顯現之普遍文化抗拒。從史考特(Walter Scott)及艾奇渥斯(Maria Edgeworth)開始,地方色彩作家身處前現代之地域與現代性權力/知識關鍵點之間。他們的階級使他們嫻熟現代性權力/知識,但情感上他們眷戀他們的地域。相類似的,美國女作家朱伊(Sarah Orne Jewett)的作品表現出她對新英格蘭親密、情感深厚之認識,同時又反映出她對現代化形成的觀點,並在作品中再現在地,作為對現代化形成之相對立場。如此一來,地方色彩作家呈現後殖民作者之雙重視野特色,一方面著眼於霸權的讀者,另一方面著眼於本土題材。如何將後者翻譯到前者身上正是地方色彩文學之工作。


Affirming local difference in the face of the ideological colonizations of modernity, local-color literature may be seen, it is argued, as one manifestation of a widespread cultural resistance to its impositions. Beginning with Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth, local-color writers found themselves on the cusp between the premodern region, to which they were emotionally attached, and the power/knowledges of modernity, in which (by virtue of their class) they were schooled. The work of American writer Sarah Orne Jewett similarly displays an intimate and affectionate knowledge of her New England region, at the same time reflecting the perspective of one who is aware of the formations of modernity and who represents the local in counterposition to them. Local-colorists thus evince the ”double vision” characteristic of the postcolonial author who has one eye on the hegemonic audience and the other on their native subjects. Translating from the latter to the former is what local-color literature does.


local-color literature modernity colonialism Jewett


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