  • 期刊


Application of Grey Relational Decision on drought-resistance of Warm Grasses


缺水逆境是限制草坪生長的最主要環境因子之一,選用抗旱性佳的草種,將可節省灌溉水資源。本研究以台灣常見暖季草種,包括普通百慕達草(Cynodondactylon L.) (Ber)、假儉草(Eremochlao ophiuroides Hack.) (Cen)、類地毯草(Axonopusaffiniss Chase.) (Car)、海雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum Swartz.) (SP)、熱帶地毯草(Axonopus compressus Beauv. 'Tropical') (CarT)、巴西地毯草(Axonopus compressus Beauv 'Brazil' tropical carpetgrass) (CarB)、馬尼拉芝草(Zoysia matrella Merr.) (Zoy)等為材料,於台灣大學人工氣候室日夜溫30/25℃進行,以缺水乾旱與正常供水兩種處理,並記錄水勢值、相對水分含量、葉綠素螢光值與滲透勢值等。依各測值以灰關聯決策方法評估各草種的抗旱性。各草種的抗旱灰決策排序分別為,馬尼拉芝、百慕達草較佳,熱帶地毯草、類地毯草、假儉草次佳,海雀稗、巴西地毯草較差。


灰決策 草坪草 抗旱性


Drought stress is one of the main factors which restrict the growth of turfgrass. Choosing the turfgrass which are drought-resistant is a way to save the water resources. This research was conducted to determine the drought-resistant performances of common warm-season turfgrasses distributed in Taiwan, including common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) (Ber), centipedegrass (Eremochlao ophiuroides Hack.) (Cen), carpetgrass (Axonopus affiniss Chase.) (Car), seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz.) (SP), tropical carpetgras (Axonopus compressus Beauv. 'Tropical') (CarT), 'Brazil' tropical carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus Beauv 'Brazil' tropical carpetgrass) (CarB), and manilagrass (Zoysia matrella Merr.) (Zoy). Different turfgrass species were planted under conditions with drought stress or with normal water supply respectively in phytotron (day 30℃/ night 25℃) at National Taiwan University. The water potential, relative water content, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) and osmotic potential of turfgrasses were recorded. The drought-resistance of turfgrasses was evaluated by grey relational decision based on the investigation items. The preference order for drought-resistance is manilagrass, bermudagrass>Tropical carpetgrass, carpetgrass, centipedegrass>seashore paspalum, 'Brazil' tropical carpetgrass.


gery decision turfgrass drought-resistance
