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Neobythites longipes Smith & Radcliffe, 1913 (Pisces: Ophidiidae), a New Record from the Waters Adjacent to Taiwan



本研究記載自2005年8月至2006年3月在台灣深海水域內水深300-457 m,使用底拖漁船和海研三號所採集到5個體的台灣新紀錄種鼬鳚科魚類-Neobythites longipes Smith and Radcliffe, 1913長新鼬鳚。總計台灣目前共有17屬27種鼬鳚科魚類。本研究為長新鼬鳚在南中國海的首次採集記錄並更新長新鼬鳚的採集北限由北緯6度2分至北緯22度24分。本研究除描述此新記錄種之形態特徵及地理分布外並附上其標本照和採集測站資料,同時亦提供台灣鼬鳚科魚類新的檢索表。


長新鼬鳚 鼬鳚科 新紀錄 深海魚 台灣


Five specimens of Neobythites longipes Smith & Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913, a new record of ophidiid fish, were collected by the chartered commercial bottom trawler and the R/V 'Ocean Researcher III' from 300-457 meter depth off southwestern Taiwan during August 2005-March 2006. Thus, the total number of ophidiids in the waters adjacent to Taiwan is 17 genera and 27 species. Our specimens are the first record of N. longipes trawled from the South China Sea, and the northern distribution of N. longipes is extended from 6°2'N to 22°24'N. This paper includes diagnostic characters and geographical distribution of N. longipes. A color photo, station data, and a key to the species are also given.
