  • 期刊


Effect of Meteorological Conditions on Water Mixing Regime in Summer and Winter Seasons of Yuan-Yang Lake, Chi-Lan Shan, Taiwan


鴛鴦湖屬於多次混合湖泊,水體溫度剖面呈現明顯季節變化。湖泊溫度分層與混合受氣象因子如:氣溫、風速、雨量與太陽輻射變化所影響,本研究藉由高頻度監測資料,即時觀測鴛鴦湖水體結構對氣象變化的反應,評估氣象因子對鴛鴦湖水體在夏冬兩季產生混合作用的影響程度。監測資料爲2008年6月1日至2009年5月31日湖泊各水層深度水溫、氣溫、風速、雨量、及太陽輻射資料10分鐘一筆之高解析數據。經皮爾森相關係數及迴歸分析等數值統計方法,解析影響最大的氣象因子。主要影響湖泊水體熱量交換的因素是氣溫變化以及風擾動,促進水體與大氣間熱量交換。如遇大雨,降雨流入湖泊增加水體總體積,因大量降雨造成水體混合使全湖熱量均勻分布。太陽輻射能僅能加熱表層水體,深度越深太陽輻射穿透力越弱,加熱效果越低。夏季太陽輻射強烈使水體特性趨於分層;此季節並受劇烈氣象如颱風及暴雨連續影響造成湖水混合,分層與混合現象交替頻繁。綜合而言,影響各水層深度的水溫變化的共同氣象因子是氣溫;夏季因太陽輻射強烈,在水深0.5 m以上的水溫則由太陽輻射主導。冬季太陽輻射趨弱,氣溫更成爲影響水體溫度主因。夏、冬兩季影響水溫變化最大差異是:氣溫是影響冬季表層水溫主因,夏季則受太陽輻射所造成影響爲主,水體深度到0.5 m後,由水體密度流產生對流。


氣象因子 氣溫 太陽幅射 分層 混合作用


Yuan-Yang Lake (YYL), a polymictic lake located in an ecological protected area, is observed regular variations in season. Meteorological factors, such as atmospheric temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and solar radiation, are analyzed to be inferred as the principle influence on the stratification phenomena or the mixing regime in YYL. These meteorological factors are recorded for each 10-minute interval from 1st June 2008 to 31st May 2009. Through the statistical analyses, Pearson correlation and Multi-regression, the contributing factors of meteorological variables are determined. According to the observation, the mixing depth can be developed to its maximum in winter. In summer, alternative mixing and stratification quickly occurs, because of the multiple changes of strong sunlight and heavy rain. Furthermore, the statistical analyses reveal that solar radiation is the principal factor guiding the temperature variation of surface water in summer. Owing to the decreasing solar radiation density with depth, atmospheric temperature dominates water temperature until the depth over 0.5 m. However, the intensity of solar radiation deposits in winter, resulting in atmospheric temperature dominating the temperature change of water column. It supports that the effect of thermal conduction and density flow on the changes of temperature profiles of the whole lake is the common factor in all seasons; radiant heat is the particular factor which primarily causes the temperature change of surface water in summer.


馬依伊(2016)。氣候變遷及極端氣候事件對亞熱帶 水庫水質影響之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601036
