

腹部鈍挫傷並非不常見,但切口性疝氣內小腸因外傷造成破裂卻很少見。在診斷上有時相當困難。我們報告一位因腹部胃腸道基質瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumor)開刀造成切口疝氣的病患,他因被踢中掉到右下腹的疝氣並引起劇烈腹部疼痛。病患被送到急診後,在急性腹膜炎的診斷下,接受電腦斷層檢查,結果懷疑是膀胱破裂。病人隨後接受剖腹探查,術中發現小腸破裂。由於缺乏腹壁的保護,在疝氣囊中的小腸有可能因受到直接撞擊而受傷。除此之外,因小腸破裂流出的腸液若積在下腹部也有可能被誤認爲膀胱破裂。所以,疝氣是小腸破裂的危險因子,醫師在診斷疝氣併腹部鈍傷的病患時,應將小腸破裂的診斷列入考慮。




Blunt abdominal trauma is not uncommon, but traumatic small intestine perforation in the incisional hernia is very rare. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult. We present a patient who had undergone surgical resection of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and sustained an incisional hernia with a segment of intestine falling into the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. He was kicked over the hernia and then sustained progressive severe pain. At the emergency department, an impression of peritonitis was made, and bladder rupture was highly suspected after obtaining an abdominal CT scan. Small intestine perforation was confirmed during emergency laparotomy. Due to lack of protection by the intact belly, the small intestine in the hernia sac is vulnerable to injury under direct contusion. Besides, accumulation of the intestinal content around the lower abdominal cavity may mask the manifestations of perforation and lead to the misdiagnosis of urinary bladder rupture. Therefore, one should be aware that hernia is a risk factor of small intestine perforation. Physicians should not forget the possibility of the risk of small intestine perforation in patients with hernia who sustain blunt abdominal contusion.
