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Uncertain Renoprotective Effect of Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent in Predialysis Patients



背景:促紅血球生成激素是否可延緩慢性腎臟病之惡化至今仍然沒有定論。迄今為止,支持這一假設主要是由先前三個小型前瞻性臨床研究而來。然而,在最近的兩個大型前瞻性臨床研究顯示,並沒有發現此項效果。我們研究的目的即是要評估促紅血球生成激素是否可延緩慢性腎臟病之惡化。 方法:這是一個為期6個月的前瞻性研究。60名慢性腎臟病第4及第5期合併貧血患者(血比容<30%),被隨機分成兩組(各30名):第一組,給予促紅血球生成激素治療;第二組,不給予促紅血球生成激素治療。另外30名慢性腎臟病第4及第5期且血比容>30%之患者,作為第三組即是對照組,不給予促紅血球生成激素治療。使用之促紅血球生成激素包含有recombinant human erythropoietin以及darbepoetin。第一組中的血比容目標訂為30%。所有3組如果有缺鐵情況則配合口服鐵劑補充,目標為維持血清鐵蛋白在300 ng/l以上。 結果:經過6個月的治療,第一組有給予促紅血球生成激素治療者其貧血有顯著之改轉,血比容平均值從27.0%±2.1%升至29.8%±3.0%(P=0.001)。第二組及第三組沒有給予促紅血球生成激素治療者其血比容並沒有顯著變化。而在腎功能方面,根據肌酐酸及使用MDRD佔算的腎小球濾過率來看,三組結果無明顯差異。然而若是獨立觀察各組其前後之腎功能變化,則會發現第一組的腎功能(從14.8±5.8變成13.9±5.11 ml/min/1.73平方公尺,p=0.149)和第三組(從18.6±5.6至16.8±5.3 ml/min/l.73平方公尺,p=0.061)並沒有明顯惡化。然而第二組的腎功能則有明顯惡化(從16.8±5.7降為13.7±5.2 ml/min/1.73平方公尺,p=0.000)。進一步將腎功能有惡化以及沒有惡化病人分成兩組加以比較,發現兩組在使用紅血球生成激素之比例並無統計差異。 結論:在慢性腎臟病第4及第5期,我們的研究顯示,促紅血球生成激素似乎有延緩慢性腎臟病惡化的作用,不過未有統計學上之意義。結論是對於慢性腎臟病第4及第5期患者,促紅血球生成激素之腎功能保護效果仍然未明。


Background: Whether erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) can retard the progression of renal failure remains unclear. To date, this hypothesis has been supported primarily by three small prospective clinical studies. However, in two recent large trials, no renoprotective effect was observed. The present study was designed to evaluate the potential renoprotective effect of ESA. Methods: This was a 6-month, single-center, prospective study. Sixty predialysis anemic patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4 to 5 and a hematocrit (Ht)<30% were randomly assigned to two groups: Group 1, anemic patients treated with, ESA; amid Group Ⅱ, anemic patients not treated with ESA. Another 30 patients with CKD stage 4 to 5 and a Ht≥30%, hot receiving ESA treatment, were also recruited as the control group (Group Ⅲ). ESA therapy with either recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) or darbepoetin was prescribed in Group Ⅰ, with a target Ht of 30% for 6 months. In all three groups, an oral iron supplement was give, if necessary, with a target serum, ferritin level of approximately 300 ng/l. Results: After 6 months of ESA therapy, anemia was significantly unproved in Group Ⅰ, with a change in mean Ht from 27.0%±2.1% to 29.8%±3.0% (p=0.001). No significant change in Ht was noted in Groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Renal function tests including creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration, rate (GFR-MDRD) shooed no significant difference between the three groups. As for individual patient groups, however, the renal deterioration in Group I (from 14.8±5.6 to 13.9±5.1 ml/min l.73 m^2, p=0.149) timid Group Ⅲ (from 18.6±5.6 to 16.8±5.3 ml/min/1.73 m^2, p=0.061) were not significant while a significant deterioration in renal function was noted in Group Ⅱ (from 16.8±5.7 to 13.7±5.2 ml/min/1.73 m^2, p=0.000). Further statistical analysis of all patients was done to compare between patients with and without renal deterioration in 6 months. There was still no significant difference in percentage of ESA therapy between the two groups. Conclusion: In this study, we could hot show a significant retardation of renal deterioration in patients with ESA therapy: however, a beneficial trend seems to be noted. We conclude that renoprotective effect of ESA in CKD stage 4 to 5 patients remains uncertain.
