  • 期刊


An Argument for the Furtherance of Individual Liberties


回顧過去以西方為首的人類社會,個人自由的範圍一步一步的擴大,但在擴大的過程中,仍然少不掉主流觀感(the prevailing ideas)、社會成見(received ideas)和既有制度與成規(the establishment)的阻礙。主流觀感、社會成見和既有制度與成規可以說是個人追求自由過程中最主要的阻礙了!但從社會學的角度來看,這些「保守力量」是我們人類維持安定穩固生活的主要力量,社會生活中少不掉這些東西;從爭取個人自由的角度而言,上述「保守力量」卻是個人自由擴大的阻礙,也就是說,個人若想突破現狀,爭取前所未有的自由,如此的作為勢必會遭受到主流民意、社會成見和既有制度與成規不分青紅皂白的橫加阻礙。這種阻礙泰半要靠一些先驅人物的勇敢挑戰和衝撞,在先驅人物流血、流汗和流淚的努力下,個人自由的爭取才會在歷史進程中逐漸受到同情,終而能突破現狀。我們可以說,個人自由的爭取在歷史進程中,不斷地重覆衝決網羅的情狀,個人自由的爭取是人類生命力的展現。衡諸二十世紀西方社會對男同性戀態度的改變,就正是一個鮮活的寫照。


個人自由 性道德 同性戀


The development of human history is a manifestation of the furtherance of individual liberties. Looking back, the advancement of individual liberties has never been easy. Human society as whole has conservative propensities; prevailing mainstream ideas and established institutions are stumbling blocks of the advancement of human liberties. The author of this essay takes the process of decriminalization of male sexuality as an example to demonstrate that the demand of a wider scope of individual liberties is irresistible; hence this demand should justifiably be given a special consideration. The main part of this essay gives an account of the debate between Lord Devlin and Professor Hart, held in late 1950 and early 1960. The debate centers on issues concerning the function of law and the relation between law and morality. From the stance of Mill's ”harm principle”, the author takes side with Professor Hart and suggests that individual liberties are the trump of human value.


Delvin, P.(1965).The Enforcement of Morals.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Hart, H. L. A.(1963).Liberty, and Morality.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Mitchell, Basil.(1967).Law, Morality and Religion in a Secular Society.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Stephen, James Fitzjames.(1873).Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.London:Smith, Elder.
Ten, C. L.(1980).Mill on Liberty.Oxford:OUP.
