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Cerebellar Hemangioblastoma with Unusual Blood Supply - A Case Report


小腦血管母細胞瘤是一種常見的後腦窩良性血管腫瘤。腫瘤多為單發性。少部分為家族性病例,即為Von─Hipple─Lindau disease,常會合併多處病灶(multisystemic)。病人中約有40%會發生紅血球增多症。本發例曾接受腦血管檢查及電腦斷層檢查。在腦血管檢查,發現腫瘤大部份血液供應是經由右上小腦動脈 (SCA) 營養,同時亦可見腦膜腦下垂體動脈 (meningohypopysial trunk) 的天幕支 (tentorial branch) 與腦膜中動脈 (middle meningeal a) 的後分支供應血液, 此種非尋常的腦膜血管供應,實屬罕見,特提出討論。


Cerebellar hemangioblastoma is a common begin vascular tumor of posterior fossa. It usually occurs spo-tadically. However, in patients of hemangioblastoma with a family of history of Von-Hipple-Lindau disease, there is a high incidence of multisystenic lesions. In about 40% of patients with hemangioblastoma happen to have secondary polycythemia. The patient of our case teceived head CT and cerebral andgiography studies. In angi-ographic study, most of blood supply to the tumor is coming from syperior cerebellar artery artery. However, the tumor also receives small part of blood supply from tentotial branch of meninghypophyseal truk, and poste-rior branch of middle meningeal artery. This unusual blood supply from meningeal branches is rarly seen in case of hemangioblastoma. It is the reaon that we present you the case here.
