  • 期刊

Comparative Analysis of the Diets of Pygmy Sperm Whales and Dwarf Sperm Whales in Taiwanese Waters



本文分析自1998年至2000年於台灣海岸收集漁業誤捕及擱淺的小抹香鯨6隻、侏儒抹香鯨5隻。大洋性頭足類為其主要的食物,其中包括了12科22種頭足類,另外尚包括了少數十足類。在小抹香鯨的胃內含物中,Enoploteuthis chunii, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis 及Taonius pavo 是最主要的食物;而侏儒抹香鯨的胃中,Enoploteuthis chunii, Histioteuthis miranda 及Taonius pavo 則是最主要的食物。雖然食物相似,但比例不同。利用ANOSIM分析發現小抹香鯨及侏儒抹香鯨的胃中頭足類組成上有明顯差異。在SIMPER分析中,發現小抹香鯨及侏儒抹香鯨之間,E. chunii貢獻37.1%的平均相異度。在其主要食物中,小抹香鯨所攝食的 T. pavo,其平均長度大於侏儒抹香鯨所攝食的,而侏儒抹香鯨則攝食更多的H. miranda。此結果支持顯示侏儒抹香鯨的棲大多在大陸棚及斜坡上,較小抹香鯨更為近岸。


Stomach contents were analyzed of six pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) and five dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) which were taken as by-catch or were stranded specimens in coastal Taiwan from 1998 through 2000. Twenty-two species in 12 families of oceanic cephalopods were identified. In pygmy sperm whales, Enoploteuthis chunii, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, and Taonius pavo were the primary prey in the diet, while E. chunii, Histioteuthis miranda, and T. pavo were the most important prey items ingested by dwarf sperm whales. Although the primary prey items these two species ingested were very similar, each item comprised a different proportion for each whale species. A similarity test demonstrated a significant difference in prey composition, and SIMPER analysis showed that E. chunii was ranked first and contributed 37.1 % to the average dissimilarity between pygmy and dwarf sperm whales. Pygmy sperm whales fed on much larger T. pavo compared to those ingested by dwarf sperm whales, while dwarf sperm whales ingested more H. miranda than did pygmy sperm whales. These results support the view that pygmy sperm whales live seaward of the continental shelf and that dwarf sperm whales live more in coastal waters.


YU, H. Y., LIN, C. Y., YU, W. J., & CHOU, L. S. (2019). Distribution of Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the east-central coastal waters of Taiwan based on whale-watching records. TAIWANIA, 64(4), 417-425. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.417
