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下頷面骨成骨不全症(Treacher Collins症侯群)―病例報告

Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (Treacher Collins Syndrome)-Case Report


本篇提出一下頷骨面骨不全(Mandibulofacial Dysostosis)亦稱Treacher Collins症候群之病例報告。病人為一位二十個月大的小男孩,在出生後即發覺有先天性之顏面部異常,包括下頷骨(Mandible)及顴骨(Malar)之發育不全(hypoplasia),外耳部之異常,巨口畸型(Macrostoma)雙側腭裂(Cleft palate)等。而眼部異常包括瞼裂呈倒蒙古型斜向(Antimogoloid obliquity),外側下眼瞼有凹痕樣異常(Notching deformity),及下眼瞼內側三分之一的睫毛缺失等。因其少見,特此提出報告。




Mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome) is a rare congenital anomaly. A case of 20 months boy, with hypoplasia of malar and mandible bone, malformation of the both external ears, macrostomia, abnormal dentition with malocclusion, atypical tongue-shaped processes of the hairline toward the cheeks, antimongoloid obliquity of the palpebral fissures, notching deformity of the lateral portion of the lower eyelids and absence of eyelashes in the medial third of the lower eyelid was dignosed as Mandibulofacial dysostosis. The entire syndrome is due to the malformation of both the First and Second Branchial Arches in fetus. The hereditary mode is irregular dominant mode of inheritance and reveals great variability in penetrance and expressivity. Ear and eyelid reconstruction and augmentation of the malar region during childhood, corrective rhinoplasty and chin advancement deferred until adolescence is the principle of treatment. As to this case, because of abnormal relative anatomical position of malar, palate and trachea, general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation for reconstructive surgery was failed after trial. The reconstructive surgery will be performed till the general anesthesia can be done.
