  • 期刊


Fixation with Vertebral Prosthesis Following Vertebral Fracture in Ankylosing Spondylitis : A Case Report



本文病例為一位僵直性脊椎炎(ankylosing spondylitis, AS)患者,十年間兩度因脊椎細微骨折合併神經學症狀,在國內進行復位與固定手術,數年後,再次出現神經學症狀,因個人因素他前往美國史丹佛醫院,接受復位與鈦金屬支架(Titanium mesh cage)固定手術。術後狀況穩定,神經壓迫症狀改善。之後回國於本科接受復健治療。 僵直性脊椎炎在早期就有骨質流失導致骨質疏鬆進而引發脊椎變形與骨折的病變,且因其上下椎體融合之特性,易於骨折處形成偽關節(pseudoarthrosis formation),其脊椎骨折後的固定,較一般的椎骨骨折不易。僵直性脊椎炎椎骨骨折的固定,以後固定(posterior instrument)加上椎體間融合(interbody fusion)為主,而椎體間融合多以自體骨移植(autograft)為大宗。本病例在傳統手術固定方式失敗後採用了鈦金屬支架為脊椎內裝具(vertebral prosthesis)進行椎體間融合。這在僵直性脊椎炎椎骨骨折固定手術上尚屬罕見。 本報告就僵直性脊椎炎對脊椎的影響及脊椎裝具的適用時機作文獻回顧,探討其在僵直性脊椎上應用的宜忌;如其發生骨折或脊椎間盤炎(spondylodiscitis)的併發症時,應可早期選擇引薦使用,使病患脊柱在脊椎手術後獲得較大穩定度以利病患早期開始復健治療,減少併發症。


The subject patient was a case of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Because of recurrent fine vertebral fracture combined with pseudoarthrosis and neurological deficiency, the patient had received several conventional surgical interventions over ten years. A year before the present admission, the patient suffered lower limbs weakness and received surgical intervention with thoracic corpectomy and fixation with vertebral prosthesis, anterior spinal instrumentation and posterior fusion with pedicle screw at Stanford hospital in the U.S.A. The patient tolerated the procedure well and achieved some improvement in his leg sensation and muscle power. The patient then returned to Taiwan for rehabilitation therapy at Chang-Gung memorial hospital. AS involves bone mass loss and ankylosing characteristics of the spine which result in sequential spinal deformity and even fracture lesions in late stages. The fracture lesions of ankylosed spine were harder to fix than the usual because of the tendency of AS toward interbody fusion, leading lever power to focus on the lesion site and display pseudoarthrosis formation. The traditional fixation technique for vertebral fracture in AS mainly involves a posterior instrument with interbody fusion. However, the main materials used in interbody fusion were autograft. In final surgery for this patient, titanium mesh cage was used as vertebral prosthesis for interbody fusion. From literatures review, this kind of surgery was rare in fixation of vertebral fracture in AS. The study reviewed and summarized spine change in the course of AS and the indications and contraindications of vertebral prosthesis usage in ankylosing spine. To improve spinal stability and achieve earlier rehabilitation intervention to minimize complications from immobilization, this work suggests such surgery as fixation with titanium mesh cage for patients with ankylosed spine with vertebral fracture or spondylodiscitis.
